Vladimir Koslov

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A/N: It's about darn time I got to him, so yeah. Here's the character I made based on my sperm-giver (idk why but calling fathers "sperm-givers" is so funny).

Introduction: Vladimir Koslov is the first of his kind; being a vampire-werewolf-demon tribrid and the eldest of his siblings. He is the eldest son of Ruvyzvat Koslov and Sarvente Morningstar-Koslova, the older brother of Selever Koslov and Rasazy Koslova, the husband of Hecate Koslova, and a father to three daughters. He is one of the five OCs in this AU; the other three being his daughters and the other two being unknown (for now).

Full name: Vladimir Ruvyzvatovich Koslov

Alias(es): Vlad (nickname), Sandler Johnson (agent alias), Babe (by Hecate), Technical *Bleep*tard (by Selever), Brat (by Rasazy), Papa (by his eldest and middle daughters), Papachka (by his youngest daughter)

Relatives: Ruvyzvat (father), Sarvente (mother), Rschvania (grandmother), Krusveto (grandfather), Selever (younger brother), Rasazy (younger sister), Circe (step-daughter), Empousa (step-daughters), Unnamed adoptive daughters

Relationships: Hecate (wife)

Occupation: Photographer and government agent


Marital status: Married

DOB: September 13, 2000

Age: 23 (making OCs who are young parents is kinda fun, ngl)

Status: Alive

Nationality: Russian-American

Physical Description

Species: Part vampire, part werewolf, part demon

Gender: Male

Height: 10'11 (he be tall AF, lmao)

Weight: 313 kg (690.47 lbs)

Eye color: Violet

Hair color: Pale Blue


Vlad has pale (almost white) blue hair and violet eyes. He generally wears a beige t-shirt, denim pants, white sneakers, and a royal blue cap and calls it a day, but during spy work, he wears an all-black bodysuit and matching gloves and boots. He also has a small pair of black wings.


Vlad has a combination of his family's personality traits. While not being vulgar and abrasive as his brother and grandmother, he is equally as stubborn to the point of occasional irrationality. He does not have the same sociopathic and h0m!c!d@l tendencies as his father, but is still on the more introverted side. He is just as kind and caring for family as his mother, sister, and grandfather are whilst not always being as elegant and composed.

Albeit sad that his sperm cells will never be able to fertilize his wife's eggs and horrified at the AMOUNT of children he already has, he still loves his mom and his wife and would do anything for them. He also loves his brother, his grandmother, and his father despite the his brother and grandmother's vulgarity, his brother's nickname for him, and his father's sociopathic and h0m!c!d@l tendencies; going to show that he is 100% a family man.

*too lazy to come up with his powers so I'll be making a separate book for that, lmao*

Random facts about him

· Yep. He is an albino, hence the violet eyes.

· Selever's nickname for him was originally gonna be "Snow-colored *Bleep*tard" but I figured that it could be offensive for any albino readers, so I changed it to just Technical *Bleep*tard to reference the fact that while his parents married in a civil wedding, that wasn't until AFTER he was born, so he was technically born out of wedlock.

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