Rschvania Rafikova

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TW: Mentions of d3@th, mvrd3r, @bv$3, and PT$D.

A/N: She is my second favorite character so she goes next. Simple as that.

Introduction: Rschvania Rafikova is a werewolf who used to be a criminal in 1920s Russia and was eventually mvrd3r3d for numerous crimes; some of which she actually committed and most of which she was framed for. She was eventually resurrected by her daughter-in-law in 2010; 85 years after her initial d3@th and 13 years before the events of the story. She is the lover of Krusveto Koslov, the mother of Ruvyzvat Koslov, the grandmother of Selever and Vladimir Koslov and Rasazy Koslova, and the great-grandmother of Vladimir and Hecate's daughters. She belongs to Handzy.

Full name: Rschvania Mikhailovna Rafikova

Alias(es): Rsch (nickname), Love (by Krus), Darling (by Krus), Mama (by Ruv), Babushka (by her grandchildren), Prababushka (by her great-grandchildren)

Relatives: Unnamed parents, Ruv (son), Sarvente (daughter-in-law), Vladimir (grandson), Selever (grandson), Rasazy (granddaughter), Hecate (granddaughter-in-law), Vladimir and Hecate's daughters (great-granddaughters)

Relationships: Krus (boyfriend)


Marital status: Unmarried

DOB: February 15, 1893

Date of d3@th: April 24, 1925

Date of resurrection: November 7, 2010

Age: 32 (physically), 45 (physiologically; not counting the years she was d3@d), 130 (physiologically; counting the years she was d3@d)

Status: Alive; resurrected

Nationality: Russian

Occupation: Ex-criminal

Physical Description

Species: Werewolf (Stickman)

Gender: Female (MTF)

Height: 7ft

Weight: 109 kg

Eye color: Amber

Hair color: Navy and cotton blue


Like her canon counterpart, she has medium length hair that is the same colors as her skin: navy blue and cotton blue. Her eyes, however, are amber instead of white. She wears the same clothes as she does in canon.


She can be very abrasive and foul-mouthed to those she hates, but is very sweet to children and those she is close with; showing that she is one of those who are nice once you get close and get to know them. Behind her bad-[a-word] façade is a woman who has been mentally and physically scarred by life and lives everyday in mental turmoil.

Deep inside her are unaddressed fears, insecurities, false beliefs, and mental issues. Fears of the people she loves leaving her. Insecurities about herself. False beliefs that she is "dirty", "undeserving of love", and not "worth it" anymore. Mental issues sought on by years of @bv$3 and having to fend for herself for a majority of her first life.

While she's never told anyone, even her lover, of these feelings, she won't be able to bottle them up even longer. After all, even if she's not human; there's only so much she can take...

Differences from canon

· Rsch is canonically human while this counterpart of her is a werewolf.

· She is canonically still d3@d, but is resurrected by Sarv in this AU.

· The eye colors; as she canonically has white eyes while having amber eyes in this AU.

· In canon, she does not have a stated age while in this AU, she is stated to be physically 32 and physiologically 45 (only counting the time she's been alive) or 130 (counting the time she's been d3@d).

· She is transfemme in this AU while being cis in canon.

Bonus Facts

· Her being a werewolf in this AU is based on art made by her creator (Handzy) where she was a werewolf and her lover was a vampire.

· BloonofSteel's HC for her age is incorporated in this AU.

· Her patronymic name is a reference to a character from Hellborus Fields.

· In this AU, she is bi with a heavy preference for the opposite sex (men).

· Her and Krus both being trans in this AU is based on a comment I saw from BloonofSteel on ao3 saying that she wanted a T4T Rsch x Krus AU, so there's that. (I didn't think much of it when I first read that comment, but the more I thought of it, the more I fell in love with it so I eventually decided to cave and incorporate it in an AU)


Random drabble 'cuz wynaut?

Unable to help herself, Rsch scooted closer to her lover and closed the gap between them.

She heard him hum in what she hoped was contentment as she felt his lips gently press against hers and his arms wrapped around her. 

'Given that I'm not exactly "waifu material", this could possibly be the last time I get to spend with him...' She thought to herself as she and her lover walked to their room.  

'So I oughta make the most of whatever time I have left with him and our family...' The door closed behind them as she leaned on the wall, looking up at him with a smile on her face.

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