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Like I said last chapter , I plan to do things diffwrwnt in this story because I can't entirely write the same thing over again. The first difference is that Heo Yool is alive in this and as a spoiler he isn't a civilian second as you've noticed Baek Eun Ha died instead and she was identified by a  mafia . The purpose of this story is to slightly shake things up as opposed to True Colors

Eun Woo slowly opened his eyes he was faintly aware of music playing in the background. He felt so uncomfortable - had he fallen asleep on the floor.

   Dabeom got up first clutching his head , "Eun Woo?"

      "Da Beom? What-." Whatever Eun Woo was about to say died on his tongue as he recalled what happened last night .

    "Eun Ha!!!" They all heard Heo Yool crying out in anguish. Eun Woo got up and followed Yoon Seo to the window where Heo was standing by the broken glass sprayed over the floor.

       Eun Woo felt he was going to be sick once he looked down below ; Eun Ha was spralyed on  the ground like a broken doll laying in dried blood. He couldn't believe she was dead - she was outgoing , talkative , fun and had a competitive nature streak with Heo Yool and now she was dead .

"Before the last vote closed , the police used their skill. Choi Ju Won was executed by Mafia. Choi Ju Won was a mafia."

        Eun Woo and Da Beom exchanged a worried glance , "ju won?"  Was their friend dead?


             "All participants identify the Mafia and begin to vote."

                  "Where's Ju Won?" Yoon Seo suddenly asked.

            "Whose in charge of the broadcast ,"  Woo Ram inquired pointing at the speakers on the wall  and shouted , "why is it even on!"

            "The studios on the second floor . Let's check it out," Hyunho said then ran off with a few of the boys heading to the broadcast room

        The others who remained followed Yoon Seo into the bathroom . Eun Woo saw blood underneath one of the stalls. He suddenly felt very cold - a terrible coldness he had once felt when his father died.

            "Class president you check it out!" Kyung Joon shoved Joon Hee towards the stall.

    Eun Woo grit his teeth in annoyance the bully didn't have to push Joon hee  like that .

                Everyone watched with baited eyes as Joon Hee opened the door and to their horror Ju Won's body was spralyed inside.

     "Oh goodness." Heo Yool quivered shaking all over .

                    "He's...dead."  Joon Hee verified his eyes focused on his now  dead classmate.

       Eun Woo couldn't believe what he was seeing - his friend was really dead.

        "Ju Won?" His brain didn't want to process what was happening , one of the people he was close had died and that too so gruelsomely.

              "It's the mafia game ," Dabeom  said , his  headphones around his neck.  His best friend had died because of this game , he fearfully looking at everyone , "what if we all die."

              Unfortunately for him  ,Kyung Joon got angry and grabbed him by the collar , "shut it you idiot. Who says we're dying."

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