"No," I instantly cut her off.

"Come on! You don't even know what I was going to say!"

"You were going to try and rope me into another one of those stupid social gatherings," I accused.

"You need to make friends," Penelope responded.

"No, I do not."

"I'll be there."

"All the more reason I shouldn't go."

"Fen," Penelope groaned, dropping her head against the table. "Come on!"

I scowled. "Get someone else to go."

"I could but I'd rather hang out with you. Besides, I think you'll enjoy it. It's at your favorite place after all."

I knew what she was doing. She was trying to goad me into asking more questions. I saw right through her and yet, for some reason, I still took the bait.


Her eyes lit up and she smirked once she realized she'd successfully captured my attention.

"We're meeting up at that club you like so much because they're having an event tonight."

Of course, that's what she meant. I knew this already. I'd planned to stop by alone, but now...

"You are infuriating," I told Penelope and she smiled victoriously.

"It'll be fun!" She assured.

"I'm sure it will," I unconvincingly replied as I stood from my chair. "I'm leaving."

"But I'll see you there?" She asked.

"Yes," I answered.

"It's starts at six!" Penelope called out as I threw away my trash before leaving the shop.


It wasn't hard to spot Penelope when I entered the club. She was surrounded by a group of people who I had no desire to interact with. So instead of walking toward her, I found myself a quiet spot, which proved to be a challenge in itself given how crowded the club was, and decided to enjoy the few moments of silence before she eventually found me.

I wasn't sure exactly what it was, but something about the club unnerved me tonight. I was sure the large group was part of it, but that wasn't the main issue. It was something else.

I glanced around the room. The usual alcoholics were sitting around, drinking their problems away in the corner, but for the most part, everyone seemed to be happy. People were dancing, drinking, singing awfully—everything seemed relatively normal given who the crowd was. Still, that feeling didn't go away.

"Fen!" Penelope shouted over the blaring music. "You came!"

"I said I would," I reminded her.

Penelope grinned sheepishly. "I thought you'd bail."

I couldn't even be offended by her assumption because it was completely on brand.

"Maybe I should have," I replied.

Penelope rolled her eyes. "It's too late! Come on, I want you to meet some people!"

I wasn't given the chance to argue. Penelope grabbed my hand and pulled me back toward the area she had just come from.

"Hey, Pen! Who's that you have with you?!" A guy called out and I instantly began to miss the comfort of my quiet spot.

"Everyone, this is Fen," Penelope introduced.

There was a round of hello's and people began to introduce themselves, but after the first three people, I stopped trying to remember them. Most of the people seemed to be human. A few wolves were hiding in the crowd, but not enough to stand out too much. I exchanged a few greetings here and there as my eyes scanned over the group. I was sure I'd forget the majority of them by the end of the night, but there was one person who stood out.

A short, blonde-haired woman stood near Penelope, shooting daggers at me. At first, she looked unfamiliar, but the longer I stared at her, the more I began to realize who she was.

She was Cronan's friend.

If she was here, did that mean he was too?

I glanced around the club, took a deep breath, and focused. The crowded room made it hard to locate his scent, but after a few moments of searching, I caught it. I excused myself from the group and pushed my way through the room, following as his scent grew stronger. My search led me to a small table near the dance floor and I expected to see him sitting with a drink in hand just like the last few times I'd seen him, but what I saw instead made me understand where that unnerving feeling from before was coming from.

Cronan sat at the table with no drink in sight. His gaze was focused on a man who was standing beside him with a coquette's grin on his face. For a brief moment, I stopped walking and eyed them.

That familiar feeling was back.

That familiar feeling was back

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