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Once everybody grasped what had happened the hall flooded with whispers and murmers but the next film was put on as it calmed down.

Darkness that's all that could be seen. Not a hint of light. Lia held no knowledge of what day it was as she had been locked away in the cuboard. Day's ago she was tending to the garden and a nearby dead rose bush caught Lia's attention. It seemed Petunia did not care for the plants as Lia had.

Carefully Lia had examined the rose bush but as she turned to leave it's withered leaves gained color and moisture, the wittled roses lifted into the air as color seeped into its petals.
Unbeknownst to Lia, Petunia had seen what happened and told Vernon.

Dreading what she was capable of Vernon had seized Lia as soon as he found out and through her into the cupboard. Day's passed yet nothing, nobody opened the cupboard door.

"He did what?" Pansy yelled in anger.

Dudley did not know of what happened but he didn't pass on tormenting Lia whenever he could. Through the few weeks she had been back, she has lost weight, gained new scars and bruises littered her body.

"I so badly want to punch him." Blaise grumbled.

Lia wondered, if not for her magic she would be dead.

"Thank Merlin." Hermione muttered. Lia' parent's faces was pale as can be.

Minutes passed maybe even hours, Lia didn't know, begore the cupboard door unlocked, swinging open to reveal Vernon.

Grumbling under his breath Vernon grabbed Lia by her arm dragging her to the kitchen. Lia pushed down the wince that threatened to escape.

"Make breakfast. Don't burn anything." Vernon seethed before stomping away.

"Lia, darling. Can we kill him?" The twins asked sweetly with innocent smile, like kids asking for candy.

"No." Lia replied bluntly.

Looking down at her arm, she could see the red skin, the indents of Vernon's nail as a bruise started to form, slowly but surely.

With dull eyes Lia started on breakfast, setting the table and making coffee.

The Dursley's came down the stairs as Lia platted the food. Dudley barging past Lia causing her to connect with the counter top.

"That little pig!" Sirius and Pansy yelled in sinc.

Lia was only aloud a little bit of food, it calmed her hunger but did no good for her sickly pale skin. Skin and bone is all you could see, Dudley's old clothes looked twice as big as they hung down her shoulders and the pants bunched up and tied with some string. Her hair was straight and greasy, skin deathly pale and a layer of sweat covered her face.

"I'm so sorry." Lily said tears brimming in her eyes. Her sister aloud thi- did that to her daughter.

"It's not your fault, mom." Lia said. A tear slipped from Lily's right eye, not from anger or sadness but from pure joy. Lia had called her 'mom'.

Lia was cleaning the dishes as the Dursley's ate when a knock came from the door.

With a mouth full of food, Vernon snapped at Lia, "Go get that, girl."

"Why don't you get off your fat ass and do it yourself." Draco grumbled.

Without saying anything Lia wiped her wet hand on her pants as she walked to the door. For all that was going through her head it came to a brutal stop once she saw who stood on the other side of the door.

"Wh-What are you doing here?" Lia asked, fear and joy mixed on her face.

"You never returned any of our letters. I got worried and rightfully so." Draco explained as he examined Lia.

"What the hell?" Sirius frowned.

"Dear Merlin, what has these people done to you?" Narcissa's usual blank face had terror and anger sprawled all over.

Without a word Lucius strolled in as if he owned the place, sneering as he passed the cupboard, wich Lia had forgotten to shut the door too.

"Wai-" Lia tried but was to late as Lucius already stood before the Dursley's. The family of three froze in their seats once Lucius came into view.

"Pathetic." Lucius sneered in disgust at the three. Dudley having food all over his face. "Lilliana Potter is coming with us. Don't expect to see her again." Is all Lucius said before strolling back to his family and Lia. Walking out onto the streets, past the invisible barrier. Vernon shouting insults and protests.

"Thank you, Lucius." To everyone's surprise it was James that spoke those words. Sincer and grateful.

Lucius laid a hand on Draco's shoulder as Narcissa did the same to Lia before they apparated away.

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