Chapter One: Aadiya's Birthday

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Once Upon a Time there lived a girl... No, No. Let's start again. Why? Because it is not just another fairy tale type of story. It is a story of lovers from across the universe.

Hence, I will start again. Ready!

Hi my name is Ryhan. I am a Chief Editor for a Magazine – famous for its "political view". Funny!! I live with my daughter Aadiya in the bustling city, full of scary people and a beautiful neighbor Jane. Correct, you guessed it right. It is Calironia. 

Today is my daughter's 6th birthday. Sorry totally forget to introduced you all with her. Meet my 6-year old daughter, Aadiya. She is crazy, loves pasta, practicing/trying every new things i.e., skating, dancing, learning piano. Is she good in any of these? I would say NO. Am I going to stop her? NO.

As I mentioned she is crazy, like her mother. Just like her she go crazy around any event, party or celebration. They start their preparation months ago. As Aadiya is turning BIG 6, that's what she calls it. She wants everything to be perfect.

She started her planning like 2 to 3 months ago. She checked all the boutique, try every outfit, from princess dresses to pirates dress. Walked to every bakery shop to taste cakes, and booked a small truffle cake with Vanilla buttercream. Jane has helped her for shoe shopping and picking restaurant.

For her shopping spree, I had to take 3 days off from my work. At end, it was worth it. Initially, she was confused between a theme party with her friends or a simple party with her family and her favorite girlfriend, Jane.

Guess what she decided, a theme party with her family. Now I am all dressed up as a Captain Jack Sparrow. You all are right, She is the QUEEN and we all are her peasants. And we have only duty to serve our queen.

Yes, I agree, I have spoiled her. This is why fathers are there for.

On this special day, I tried to leave office by 4'o clock in the evening. Nevertheless, one of our editor made a blunder, sent uncut version of an article for publishing. Great!! It took me two hours to set the mess.

As I stepped out my building, the heavens have opened up. Thank you Zeus! I am already late and now I am drenching rain. It is already 7 pm, this untimely weather change has made the scene more dramatic.

I skip my car drive and decided to catch subway. If I get lucky, I will catch 7:30 train. I rushed through the crowd and reached Berkeley city's south subway station. I checked my wrist watch, right on time.

Even in the prime hour, entire station is empty, only a few passengers are waiting for the train. I decided to ignore and get inside the coach. I am already late, there is no time to inspect this uncertainty.

As I stepped inside the coach, I find the same thing. It is not that crowded as it is supposed to. I again choose to ignore this and looked around for the seat. Not crowded yet no seat to sit.

Captain Jack Sparrow need some help here. Let me call her. I take out my phone, clinging to the pole, I dialed Jane.



*Static noise*


*Static noise*

I looked at my phone's screen. It is showing call is on. I cut the call and dialed, again ended up with static noise.

No problem, must be a connection issue. I should drop a message to Jane. If luck is on my side it will reach to her before me.

*Jane, I think I might get late. It is pouring rain. I picked train from south subway station. Please be with Aadya till I reach home. Thank you J*

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