She remembered vividly during her pregnancy, Minji had this one particular favorite song. She sang it sometimes absentmindedly but often with an extensive grin on her face. The first time she heard it, Minji was in the shower. Minji must have thought that she wasn't in their bedroom so she shamelessly sang on top of her lungs.

You're having my baby

What lovely way of saying how much you love me

You're having my baby

What a lovely way of saying what you're thinking of me

I can see it your face is glowing

I can see it in your eyes I'm happy you know it

That you're having my baby

You're the woman I love and I love what it's doing to you

Hanni chuckled shyly. It had become her favorite song, too. Minji would sing it whenever she asked, even now, when she obviously wasn't pregnant anymore. Her wife was a good singer. She was still too embarrassed to admit it.

The next pages contained pictures of Minji and the triplets. All pictures she had taken during the years. Most of them were candid. She treasured the one of the four of them sleeping like kangaroos the most. The triplets definitely had Minji's nose and somehow, her eyes.

"Thank god they all have your eyes."


Minji smiled gently with her eyes closed, ready to sleep. "Your eyes are the most gorgeous creature I've ever seen in my entire life."

In Minji she obtained security and peace. Minji had made her the happiest woman alive. She was the best gift from above.

Hanni didn't realize it had gone past an hour. A knock on the door made her look up from her current activity. Her secretary informed her that the client had arrived and waited for her upstairs.

After putting the photo album back to its place, Hanni grabbed her phone and all necessities. She huffed a breath, checking her appearance in the mirror then smiled encouragingly to herself.

The neat black blazer that went along with the skirt and heels successfully transformed her into an intellectual looking woman. Confidence for the first impression was a must. It was how people believed in her.

As she shook hands with the new client, Hanni could tell the man was a bit edgy. He was young, barely forty - probably around thirty-six or thirty-eight years old, but the wrinkle on his forehead was too visible.

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Pham," the man offered a weary smile.

"My uncle has been praising you nonstop. You must have left him a great impression. I hope you can help me as well."

"Thank you, Mr. Park." Hanni intertwined her fingers on the table.

"How can I be any help to you?"

The man looked away. He frowned at the window, obviously trying to keep his emotion intact. He inhaled a large amount of oxygen to calm down. He had practiced speaking his intention without emotional breakdown frequently. But this was hard. Every time he recalled the terrible tragedy, his first reaction was to run away. He had been running away for months. He really should stop doing that and start dealing with his problem like an adult. He had gone to see a shrink in order to get better. But it didn't help, either. Accepting his family's death was not the closure he needed.

"I had a baby girl about three years ago," he began quietly.

"Me and my wife, we had been waiting for ten years to get her. She- uh-she got a horrible condition." He bit his trembling lips and continued, "she was so small and precious."

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