━ ✦ chapter five✦ ━━

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johnnie POV

i was distancing myself from jake, maybe if i stay away my crush will go away too its really hurts but i cant look at him the same, its so awkward trying to be normal after confessing but i started talking to kyle again and it has helped alot, we planned to meet up again and it was really nice having him around again. back in mde i had a crush on kyle but bryan forced me to kiss alex and then he made me think i liked her but soon after we got together i realized it was all a mistake but i went with it for to long causing even more pain and a mess but thats in the past now.

it finally came time for the meet, i got dressed and walked out of my room to wait for kyle, he was close and i was excited i didnt even notic jake until he spoke "where ya goin?" he asked grabbing my wrist, i guess he thought i was leaving "nowhere, i cant drive dummy" i say laughing "oh right.. then what are you doing?" jake asks letting go of me "kyle will be here soon, i came out here to wait" i shrug and jake looks sad?? "done worry, he will just stay in my room, we wont bother you" i roll my eyes slightly laughing forgetting to tell jake kyle was staying here before now "you could have said he was staying here earlier man, this is really short notice" he sounded angry and it confused me a lot "yeah uh sorry i forgot but its not a big deal" i say still trying to keep the light mood but jake still seemed mad "the house is a mess, we could have cleaned up first or something johnnie." i gave him a weird look "jake.. i dont think kyle has ever seen my house clean before, that would almost be weirder than the house being a mess" i joke

why is jake being so weird?? he has never cared about being clean before why does he care now? i hear a car pull up in the drive way and i cant help but smile and jump a little as i walk closer to the door ready to answer jake stays there kinda awkwardly but i dont care right now, kyle knocks and i open the door right as it opens and i meet kyles eyes he grabs me hugging me tightly just like back then "my boyfriend!!" i laugh at the comment being very used to him saying stuff like that i roll my eyes hugging him back tighlty feeling happy to have him again, his style and appearance changed alot but his personality has stayed the same and that's what i liked so much about him anyways.

we pull away and i turn remembering jake is there and .. he looks pissed?? "i know you have seen him alot online but here is the famous mr jake webber" i say dramatically showing kyle to jake smiling and kyle smiles waving "hey man! i like your vids its nice to meet you" kyle says a little awkwardly but friendly and jake smiles back "nice to meet you too" i just smiles and lead kyle to my room "don't laugh okay?" i say jokingly knowing kyle wouldn't mean any harm anyways. me and kyle just chat for a while catching up and shit we joke about my funko pops and how he remembers alot of them from back then and he points out a few things in my room he remembers, "wanna go get something to eat?? we can bring jake too, i have a feeling he doesnt like me though" kyle says laughing a little and i feel bad that he noticed "sure, whca feeling? and dont worry about jake he is just weird with new people its nothin personal" i say smiling standing up from where me and kyle sat on the floor chillling like we used to.

"maybeee chick fil a?? i want chicken" kyle suggests "i always want chicken" we leave my room and i walk over to jakes door while kyle stays in the living room putting his shoes back on so we can leave, i knock on jakes door "yo jake" i wait and knock again then the door opens mid knock i was about to ask jake if he wanted to come but he opened his door and moved to the side as if welcoming me into his room so of course i enter and he closes the door its sorta weird.. "i was-" he cuts me off "are you and kyle going out?" he asks suddenly and it catches me off guard "uh-" i laugh "no we arnt, is this about the boyfriend thing?? hes been calling me that for like 10 years its a joke" i laugh explaining awkwardly not understanding what jakes deal was with kyle "oh..okay" jake seems embarrased now "eh anyways, we are going to chick fil a and i came to ask if you wanted to come with?" i smile and jake takes a while to reply but he finally does "sure i guess, im gonna be angry if i end up third wheeling though" he says and i think it was meant to be a joke but his tone sounds way off i just slightly chuckle before turning away

but before i can open the door jake speaks again "your not going to replace me right? we can be normal again, we can talk and hangout again, things dont have to be this way" he sounded so desprate i dont get it, no one ever acts like this towards me so i have no idea what to do "we live together jake, how could i replace you? i assumed the gay and flirty jokes would be weird now since you know im gay, we are still friends man" i say feeling bad i made him upset "they arent weird at all, i just want us to be normal.." jake looked really sad but god is this a bad time kyle is waiting out there "jake all i did was lay off the gay jokes, everything is normal your overthinking this" i smile warmly placing my hand on his shoulder trying to be comforting but jake just nods dismissivly and we finally leave his room and i wave at kyle as kyle looks up smiling and waving happily.

we go into chick fil a and we all order what we want and walk over to the table kyle sits down across from jake and pats his lap "spots open here baby girl" kyle says jokingly ofering for me to sit on his lap and i laugh at him before doing it and he has always been so natural about these things he wraps his arms around me and i laugh again yelling "okay! wEirD!" and scoot over to sit next to him instead kyle laughs now. I look at jake and he seems upset again and i remember what he sadi earlier i decide to test the waters "what? want me to sit in your lap?" i ask jokingly towards jake hoping he would laugh or something but he just lets out a fake and low chuckle sounding unpleased i just roll my eyes and check my phone until kyle speaks "dude it would break the internet if we did a mde reunion" i look up and think "the reunion would literally just be me, you, jordan, shannon and luke.. i highly doubt shannon or luke would even think of meeting up" i say laughing about how many members we "lost" and kyle laughs to "yeah thats true.. jordans the only weirdo who would do it" i nod laughing

"lets just starts a new mde, we got me, you, jake, uh shit.." i laugh as i cant think of anyone else "yo jake you think tara would do it?" i try to get jake to talk but he seems so down "i doubt it" he says ending it there i guess? i already knew the actual answer but its more fun to pretend "i have no friends" kyle says sighing jokingly and i nod agreeing "what a sad mde, we got three people" kyle had a mischievous smile before he spoke "great idea" i look at him slightly worried for what he would say "hear me out.. bryan" he says and immediately start laughing cutting him off "he would join cause he is so desperate" me saying that seems to catch jakes attention since he looks up and has a weird look on his face "isnt he off the internet?" jake asks and kyle looks at me to now and i pull out my phone opening my contacts "hes off socials but" i show them the messages, seemingly endless unreplied to messaged from bryan "he wants to talk to me so bad dude" i laugh and kyle has wide eyes as he lets out a breathe before laughing

"what a fucking creep" jake says but he doesnt seem to think its very funny and i nod "he made like a million spam accounts on socials to contact me to, its wild" i shut off my phone putting it down. we all finish eating our food, the ride home was less awkward but still quite and weird, barely any talking i seriously cant tell whats up with jake when we get home i walk towards my room kyle following me but also.. jake followed?? me and kyle are about to stream together but i dont want to tell jake to leave i guess it wont hurt to let jake be here right??

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