chapter 5 - merry christmas

Start from the beginning

Y/N - sorry Min-Jeongie, give me a second.

I turned my neck to grab my vibrating phone on the desk and put up the phone to my ear after answering it, I looked at her and she had a straight face but with a tad bit of disdain showing

Y/N - yo what's up

Dae - come over to my place!

Y/N - no.

Dae - WAE?!?

Y/N - I'm busy

Dae chuckled through my phone making me feel a bit annoyed, he just suddenly calls begging me to come over and he expects me to not be busy when he calls

Dae - oooo, you doing it with Min-Jeong or something?

Y/N - fuck off, no I'm not. She's just hanging out with me

Min-Jeong's lips curled a little when I said that, making her pout

Dae - ah shut up ever since she took you away from the restaurant, everyone thinks you guys are together. The girl's were like 'oh my god Y/N has a girlfriend?!?!'

Y/N - you can't blame her, it's just how she is.

Dae - admit it dude, she's in love with you. I know she ain't your girl but I know someone's in love from how they look at you, and what I could tell. She looked damn well pissed when she got between you and that girl from engineering

Y/N - fuck off man, we're just close

Dae - blah blah someone's in denial

I hear his girlfriend in the back as we get interrupted

"Babe! I got an early christmas present for you!"

Dae whistles through the phone as he laughed all of a sudden

Dae - actually nevermind, don't come over. My one and only just got me a one way ticket to heaven

Y/N - whatever man, go enjoy your time with her

Dae - oh I will


Dae - coming!

Y/N - I'll see you when I see you

Dae - love ya

Y/N - all love bro

I hung up the phone, throwing it on the bed. Putting my attention back on Min-Jeong

Y/N - sorry, it was Dae

Win - it's fine.

Y/N - so what were we doing again?

Win - nevermind. Come here

She became all sulky and pouting and just hugged me tight again, laying her head on my chest once again.

Y/N - what's wrong?

Win - nothing.

Y/N - no seriously, what's up?

Win - it's nothing oppa.

Y/N - I'm sorry if I hurt you or anything

Win - no it's just something else on my mind

Y/N - what is it?

Win - just trainee stuff I just remembered now

Y/N - ah, don't worry about it okay? We're together so don't think about it

She looks up at me again, more happier than a minute ago. Giving me her usual smile

Win - yeah.... Hey, by the way.

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