Chapter 27- The mistake.

Start from the beginning

"It wasn't my fault. I was there before that asshole. I just wanted to be somewhere quiet."
"It's a fucking party! Who comes to a party if they want peace and quiet?!" Jayden slightly raises his voice as he speaks. "I do! My friend wanted to come, so I came with her, gosh. It's not like I was fucking him. He touched me!" I yell back.

"Let's chill out-" Luca speaks stepping inbetween us." "Zaria. Luke is sneaky as shit. You don't need to be around him." Jayden continues does he not listen?! " I wasn't around him Jayden. Once again, he came in the room. I was already there. It was only like 2 minutes." I shrug sitting on the bed in the room.

"Doesn't matter, what did he say?" "He just asked about Dante..." "that's it?" "Yup" "good." The room falls silent for a moment before the door opens & Dante steps in. He looks around the room before looking at me.

"Leave. I need to talk to Zaria alone." Jayden and Luca look at each other before they make their way out the door. "I already talked to Jayden, I don't need you to give me the whole Luke is bad lecture ok?" I stand from the bed and head for the door.

Before I can fully twist the handle, Dante grabs my waist and pins me against the door. "Will you ever shut up and fucking listen?" He snaps. "Get off of me" I try to push him off, but he traps my hands above my head.

"Just fucking listen. Luke is a bastard. He does shit to fucking irritate me. Don't fall into his bullshit." "Ok, cool. Got it. Can you let go now?" I turn my head to the side to try and look for a way out of this situation. Dante lets my hands go &  grips my chin forcing me to look at him.

"I'm serious, Zaria. He's sneaky." He continues. I search his gaze and his eyes are full of emotion. I drop my gaze to his lips before returning them to his eyes. "I don't understand why you guys treat me like a baby. I'm 21 years old! I can take care of myself." I rant as I attempt to pull away from Dante's grip once again.

"You don't know the half of it sweetheart. Luke isnt just some guy. He's no good. "And you are?" I snap back without thinking. Dante's demeanor changes. "Don't. Compare me to him. Ever." "Ok... geez." I raise my hands in surrender. He still has a tight grip on my chin as his face inches closer to mine.

"I really can't fucking stand you." Before I can respond, Dante's lips meet mine. His hand that was once on my chin makes its way to my throat as he squeezes lightly causing me to gasp. His tongue enters my mouth dancing with mine as he pulls my body closer deepening the kiss.

Sudden screams make us pull apart, both breathing heavily. And that's when I hear it. Gun shots. The bedroom door flies open as Jayden and Luca rush in. "It's some idiots with guns, I'm not sure who they're with but they know we're here." Jayden says as he pulls a gun out from under his shirt.

"Fuckers." Dante grits before doing the same. My eyes go wide as Luca pulls his out as well. "When the fuck did you guys get guns?!" I question and they all go quiet. More gun shots ring out. "No time to explain. Jayden, get the house cleared. Luca, you're with me. Let's move." Dante says as they head for the door.

"And me?! I'm coming with you." "Like hell you are, you don't leave this room until one of us comes to get you." Jayden says looking back at me. Queen. Queen! "My- my friend! She's here somewhere. Please- find her." I plead as they head out the door.

"We'll find her. Stay here Ria, I mean it." Dante exits and closes the door. Please be ok Queen. And then it hit me. I just fucking kissed Dante. Holy shit. I groan and fall back on the bed after realizing what I did.

More gunshots ring out snapping me back into reality and my nerves are on 10. I stand, and make sure the door is locked before moving to the closest.

A few moments of silence goes by before the door is kicked open. I wrap my hands around my mouth trying to stay quiet. "Find her." A voice says. I shift to the back of closet praying they won't see me.

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