Part 2

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Current time - 5:26 A.M

He'd been having a hard time staying asleep all night. He already found it really hard to sleep in an unfamiliar place.l, but with the knowledge that today was going to be his first training exercise,

he wasn't just stressed,

he was scared.

He got out of bed. His sheets were messy and his pillows were halfway off the bed due to his aggressive tossing and turning.

He put on a Batman shirt and an old leather jacket. The jacket was covered in patches and pins. It was worn but noticeably clean. A large patch on the jacket's back identified as being some kind of employee jacket, likely for of garage of some kind. Though it was too worn to make out the name of the establishment.

There was a name tag on the front, however.

'A. Harmaa'

Obviously Josef had merely inherited it. Whoever owned it must've been close to him considering how well it seemed taken care of.

He exited his room abd wandered around the empty halls.

He was nervous, he'd been thrown into a building filled with people who were almost all either smarter, or more experienced than him. It worried him a bit, he didn't want to embarrass himself, but it was such a massive culture shock.

He made his way to the deserted cafeteria. He got a bag of chips and a Soda from the vending machines.

He sat at a table and put in some earbuds that he'd previously been keeping in his pocket. He listened to some Bob Marley to calm his nerves.

He noticed a vending machine nearby and got a Dr. Pepper and some Doritos.

He anxiously ate the chips. He felt like a kid going to the Dentist, nervous over nothing, embarrassing himself by being so worried over something that everyone else probably saw as normal.

Training wasn't for at least another 5 hours, but still.

He didn't want his new co-workers to think less of him.

Current time - 5:43 A.M

Karina usually woke up earlier than this. But she'd actually overslept. Her sleep schedule was definitely going to suffer for this, but that was a problem for a future Nøkk.

She hopped out of bed and yawned. She did some neck stretches and put on a white tanktop and some jeans.

She got her morning shower, her short black hair was immediately covered in bubbly, white soap.

She finished, the room covered in steam. She put on some cologne and her signature black lipstick.

Her black cat, Janus, entered the bathroom, reminding Karina to feed it. She scooped some food into the Cat's bowl and pet the cute little critter's head.

"There you go Jane."

She spoke to the cat who said nothing in response as it buried it's face in the cat food.

Karina got a can of food and put it in a bowl for four other kittens who eagerly came over to fight each other for it.

She opened her kitchen cabinet and got a pill bottle. She always made sure no one knew about her condition, it was something that embarrassed her.

She slipped on some shoes and finally got out the door. She made her way to the gym.

She liked to work out early in the morning, when no one else was around.

She hopped on the treadmill and put her early morning energy to good work.

Her partner had his first bout of training on later.

Deep down, she was hoping he'd embarrass himself so bad that he'd be fired on the spot.

She worked better as a solo operator. Having a team was one thing, but she'd figured they would've realized by now that giving her a partner would only hinder her.

(I know this is garbage, but bear with me😣)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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Danse Macabre (OC x Nøkk) (Rainbow Six Siege)Where stories live. Discover now