Aiols Past

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This is the backstory of Aiols Naaz that only his sibling knows and that he would rather take to the grave then talk about it. After their parents disappeared aiols was broken his world thar he knew was shattered so he start to go to the lust territory and drink heavily and sale his body because he didn't feel anything slash went with him and offend protected aiols from ppl but one night he didn't go that when aiols was ... and taken away from them someone had spiked his drink , his sibling look everywhere solar thought she failed their parents . aiols was in and out for days until he became awaear of what happen but what every was in his drink made him weak " fuck..." aiols cussed as he got up and walk to the bars he could holy melet in the bars " mister are we going to be ok " a young female asked aiols kneel down not care if hid rib were broken " yea well get out i promise as aiols Naaz i will get us out no matter what Ur name kid ?" aiols asked as the young female smiled " I'm darkness " darkness said proud as aiols chuckle then they came hunter who tries to take little darkness but aiols fount and burn them, but he was shot was a sleeping bart in the neck and backout the last thing he was darkness being take away " aioI ...AIOLS" darkness scream turn she was knock as was well. It was a few days before aiols woke and his body was use beaten and burn but he hears scream of terror and saw solar and celeista going nuts as slash was getting him out "no i got get darkness please brother " aiols begged and slash help him look for darkness there chain up was just beaten a hunter. was about to start until aiols slash his throat " u Mortls disgust me " he growls as aiols got darkness out as slash help and aiols passed out near celeista who pick him up as solar "get the kid home " solar order celeista and celesta nods and dose what she said as aiols was pass to solar "u scared me aiols..."

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