blood x capo pt 2

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Going down and cooking breakfast. after a few minutes blood came down. Wearing capo shirt and saw eggs and pancakes. She blushes " um thank u. " she said as blood sat down and ate" a certain fox daddy told me like pancakes and eggs. " Capo said ate egg as blood ate capo nuzzle her from behind and she smile and purred " I was hopping u would have slept longer Hun " capo said as blood shake her head " i don't want to sleep " blood said as capo nod understanding why. " my garden has herbs that need to pick today shit " blood cusses getting up as capo grab her " it sunny and u don't have u spell on "blood sigh but clam down as she look at capo and smile " can u do it please ~" blood asked with puppy dog eyes as capo nods and blood wrote down the herbs that need to be pick and capo goes and dose picked the herbs and goes back to blood who was smiling " thank u so much " she take the herbs and a medina and start her spell " sunray!" she said before tackle capo to the sun which didn't hurt her capo held her as she smile and nuzzle him. Capo grooms her holding her close to him " come on little bat today Ur taking easy " capo said as blood look at him " i can't have to make the others are ok "blood said as capo pick her up and walk to another and open the door so blood could see kevin and luna and grim sleeping and capo whisper " dcapo and others are in other room but see there ok blood u can rest " blood nods slightly  blushing as capo look at her thighs seeing a little bit cum running down capo pin her against the wall where she was higher and capo was couch level as he lick the cum up from her thigh " mmm " blood let out a moan as capo start to eat her out holding her west so she doesn't fall as he eat her out blood let out small quiet moans as capo keep eating her out blood moan loudly  as she felt capo tongue deep in her " mmm ~" she moans as capo purred " fuck mmm close ~"blood moans out as capo ear twitch as he ate her out faster as he telepathy to her ' go ahead cum for me mistress~' capo telepathy and with that blood came and capo tail wages as he swallow and slowly licked her clean before kissing her pussy lips blood moans Lighty as capo gently bought her down and blood wrap her arms and whisper " u should have plug me ~" she purrs vampire as capo tighten his grip blushing red and nods before saying " where Ur favite food " he asked " oh that umm titani is my favito because there a non-meat thing " blood said as capo smile " go out or Oder online and movie ?" he asked sitting her on the couch and sitting beside her and she move to his lap " Oder online pls " blood as capo nods and asked her favtie movie " i like sorcerer apprentice." blood said as capo give her the remote to her and she goes to Disney app and started the movie as capo Oder their food. Blood cuddle close to capo as they talk " so that i freak out when i heard your heartbeat skip a beat that one time " capo asked as blood nods " yeah vampire blood" she said. they watch the movie as the food arrived and capo got it and hand blood a bottle of wine and her plate ' thank u, wait how did u know i liked Alferdo?" blood asked as capo look at her "a certain fox told how u like to care for " capo said as blushes heavily and ate.then drink. as blood drink she swallows some and kisses capo deeply who kisses back and swallow the rest wrapping her arms around capo as they kissed then capo basically teleported to the Dungun where blood giggled " such a horny puppy~" she tease as capo blushes as capo let her down and lead capo to the bed and chain him up and kisses him deeply and he kisses back as blood makes their clothes disappear as blood kisses down his chest and licks his tip until he was hard capo moans lightly as he get hard and blood get up and grabs a few thing " let's see if u can really handle this bat " blood purred as she gags him while whispering " safe work is light understand puppy~" she ask as capo nods as blood move away putting a cock ring on capo cock then lick his thighs close to his hole and kisses his hole as capo moans then blood put a toy in him and put a vibator to capo cock and turn both the toy and the viator on at the same time as capo moans blood continues as capo moans as blood basically milk him " i think u dreves a little a treat ~" blood said as she turn the toy to thrusting mode as she started to ride capo roughly and hard as both moans blood leaned down an suck on capo chest purring as capo spuims " squirm all u want i made sure that those were tight ~" blood purred out as she rides roughly getting capo in her womb while ridding blood lean down and made a hickeys that wouldn't stay there for long but long enough for blood to make a patten on capo chest as capo squirms and moans as his hip thrusting blood moans as she rides more down up and down at a vampire speed pace and her pussy was sucking capo cock in her womb as both came as bothe turn the toy up to max as capo moans and blood tease his nippers biting and sucking them they continue as blood put down the whip and start to undo the chain and undo capo gag as capo since she was out of Dom mode and slightly acting like she was going to pass out soon as they kiss capo pulled out and plug her " pretty bat" he said laying her on his chest as both fail asleep . they didn't notice that kevin came to Cheak on them .   

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