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im back from the dead! and this is a small post as a sorry for being gone for so long and not keeping my promise for posting on Valentine's day, stuff cam up real quick but it is taken care of, but enjoy my beautiful patient readers~ <3



  I went inside and was quite pleased to see a nice twin sized bed with a desk and walk in the bathroom. It was spacious, basically a small apartment if you ask me. As I walked around there was a small kitchen with a mini fridge and kettle. There was one window on the far side of the room close to the closet.

After looking around I settled on the bed taking my shoes off and set my phone down after i took it out of my pocket and on the bed side table. I knew I had to go shopping as I didn't really have clothing...barely had any currency either. Sadly there was not the luxury of showing up with my wallet. But that is tomorrow's problem, for now I would just sleep unaware of the eyes watching from the window.






cold...I could feel the cold cover me as I chill went up my spine and skin tightened, I pulled the covers over my head curling up into a ball hoping it would warm me. After a bit longer I started moving around trying to be comfortable, an absent weight was missing from on top of me from usual and the blanket felt different. I groaned sitting up as I took a moment to look around. Taking in where I was thinking back to the night before this. 

Feeling another chill of cold wind rush at my arms I looked over to see the window open letting all the cold air in. I shudder quickly closing it before sitting back down. "....Didn't I close that?"

I just shake it off as I probably didn't  and went straight to bed. all I remember when getting to the room was passing out. I took a minute taking a deep breath and stretching my arms, grabbing my phone afterwards and laying on the bed scrolling online. I really didn't care to leave the room as it would have led to me getting lost or in trouble for all I knew. 

After an hour of relaxation I dropped my phone with the door swinging wide open with a white haired man standing in the doorway with a huge grin 

"Goooood MORNING!" I felt light headed for a moment from how quick I had jolted up with how LOUD he was. We both stare at each other in silence as he still held his grin for a few more moments before frowning lightly. "........your really not going to say it ba- "No"

"You at least happy to see me-?" "Not really"

"HUH!? why not!....." He yelled shocked acting dramatic as if he was just stabbed. I always knew he was childish but seeing it in real life....couldn't help but feel bad for Nanami

"You just...BARGED in. you could've broken the door you know" I told him really just making an excuse. I could have said It back, but it's weird being In-front of a man like him. mostly when you live in a world hearing certain Comments about him each day you go online.

"ok...but I didn't, jeez you really killed the mood" he crossed his arms leaning on the doorway. "is there something I can help you with?" asking him this question as not long after he popped back up with his smile. "Not that you can help me, but I can help YOU" He told me stepping closer to the bed towering over me slightly "And what would that be" I said sighing as I rubbed my eyes and cracked my back

"We are going SHOPPING! yay!" He said holding up his wallet and I looked him in the eye "..gojo...its 8 am" I said looking at him as he shrugged

"Ok and?"

Just One Click (Yandere JJK x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now