Blue Eyes And Tea Time~

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 I can feel my eyes widen at his words. I remember who this man is....I know. My head is still spinning from everything as it feels like a back and forth. This isn't real....It is a dream. As corny and cliche as it sounds this is all scientifically impossible. I don't know how or WHY I am here....but I don't want to be here. I feel like I should scream or make a sound....but I don't really know how I should react to all this. I look down as I see my clothes covered with sand. I just sigh before realization hits me......I.left.the.water.running!

I feel a wave of horror wash over me at this. My bills....MY FLOOR! I can feel like crying at this point as I think of the damage. I look up as I have a clear look of annoyance on my face. He looks at me weirdly before he laughs. "Don't worry! we took care of it....that is if that was what was troubling you?" He says as he looks down at me from where he stands. But in his words I can feel my eyes widen as I never said anything. How did he know? HOW was it taken care of? All these thoughts run in my mind at the same time as that leaves us That is how I'm it happened. I am pulled out of my trance of thought as I hear him laugh. He squats down near me before he speaks.

"I'm sure you have figured this all out already...well if you have a brain that is! The trip didn't mess it up now did it?"

He asked me as he got closer. His words don't calm me down as they just worry me more. MY BRAIN COULD HAVE GOTTEN RUINED?! He asked me another question as he was still up in my face "Do you have any idea how you got here? or you don't remember anything?"

As he speaks he gets even closer to me. I feel small compared to him and find it hard to think, with how close he is. I can feel my face heat up a little at this as he doesn't move. After a bit of silence he looks down at the sudden vibration in his pocket. He pulled out his phone to see a notification....from the "app". At this point i start to think it actually isn't just an really isn't at it?

As he stares at the pink notification box he sighs as he leans back up a bit away from me. He stands up as he takes a step back. He seems more...calm? I myself stand up as well as I brush off the sand on my clothing and hair/hijab. I can practically feel his stare as i brush off the sand. I look up at him after i'm done. Something pings in my head as i remember his words from earlier......and something didn't "click" I looked up at him as he smoothed out his black uniform. "Hey uhhh about what you said earlier............why did you ask me the questions and act surprised i'm here.....if you SAID you were expecting me?" I ask the man as i see him stop smoothing out the clothing. I see him look over at me as he just has his lips in a thin line. His blindfold makes it a bit hard to actually tell where he is looking. There is an awkward silence between the two of us, as we just stare at each other for a bit.

I stare at him for a little before speaking once more. ".....Why did you ask the que- Do you want to grab something to drink?" He interupts me mid sentence. I can feel the dryness of lack of water so it isn't a bad idea...but that isn't the point right now."Hey! Don't change the subject!" I yell at him as i just see him smile and wave me off. "My my~ your quite the energetic one now aren't you?~

I can feel my face heat up at this. I don't care about what he is HOW he said it. Upon this he smirks at my reaction. He knows what he did......and something made him want to continue. 

I grown as i just shake my head. My mind almost forgets what we were talking about....key word "almost". I want to ask further about it but dont as he will most likely ignore it and change the topic. I can feel the dryness in my mouth grow as i start to feel tired. I rub the corner of my eye as i just stepped closer to him so were not THAT far apart but still not to close for my liking. I turn on my phone to see if i can work my GPS here but when i unlock my phone there is only my photos and contacts along with the app. I open my contacts trying to call someone but when i go to call it wont send nor accept it.

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