I rolled my eyes. "Very funny. No white horse, just a soaked basketball captain in his car."

"Did you at least share a romantic umbrella moment?" Grace teased, and they clapped hands together.

"There was no Umbrella moment."

"Oh, so you both were very much wet." Grace quipped, a mischievous grin playing on her lips, and she winked.

I remember the water cascading off his skin, I couldn't tear my eyes. Each droplet that clung to him seemed to play a sensual game, tracing a seductive path down his face, lingering on his lips, and then continuing its journey down his neck. His hair, which was usually styled, was a mess, a sexy mess, which tempted me to run my hands across them. A flush crept up my cheeks as I realized the intensity of my observation.

"Then you'll be attending the game on Friday to watch your boo play." She winked once more. Boo!? Who says that? Grace does actually.

"Yes, I'll be going, but only to support my brother." I replied.

"You don't have to make excuses in front of us. We understand you." Grace playfully nudged me. I couldn't help but chuckle at their relentless teasing.

"Oh, guys, Luke and I are going out tomorrow. How about both of you join us? You can finally officially meet him." Olivia suggested.

"Really, Olivia, we'd love to." We replied in unison, nodding in agreement.

"Perfect! It's a double date then." Olivia exclaimed.

"So, does that mean Elle is my date?" Grace asked sarcastically.

"Unfortunately." I remarked back with a hint of sarcasm.

"No, what's the procedure to change my date?" She yelled jokingly.

"The answer is to find a boyfriend." Olivia winked mischievously.


Sunday evening

I carefully applied the final strokes of mascara and made sure my lashes were perfectly coated. I glanced at the clock, realizing I had to hurry up. I hurriedly reached for my bag and tucked my phone inside. My phone chimed and it made me pull it out hastily. It was my dad calling. I swiped to answer, a smile forming on my lips.

"Hi, sweetheart! How's it going?" His warm tone instantly put me at ease.

"Hey, dad! I'm just getting ready to meet a few friends."

"Okay, I need your help with something." He said, and I could sense excitement in his voice. "Your mom's birthday is around the corner, and I'm struggling to figure out a good gift for her. Any suggestions?"

I paused, thinking about mom's interests and hobbies. "Well, she's been talking about wanting a new cookbook, and there's this photography class she mentioned she'd love to take. Maybe a combination? A cookbook from her favorite chef and enrollment in the photography class?"

"Brilliant! Your mom will love that. Thanks for the help." He said. "How are your college classes going? When are you both planning to visit us?"

I leaned against the dresser. "College is good and yeah, we'll visit you both soon."

"Well, that's great. I'll let you go now. Enjoy your night."

"Thanks dad! Love you." We said our goodbyes and hung up the call.

With my bag slung over my shoulder, I made my way to the door, after taking a final glance at myself in the mirror. The brisk evening air greeted me as I stepped outside and headed towards our meeting spot. As I approached the restaurant, I spotted Olivia, Grace and a smiling guy I presumed was Olivia's boyfriend at a corner table.

The other night at the party, I missed the chance to meet Lucas, Olivia's boyfriend because I left early with my brother. I know, he can be quite protective. But you see, my brother has always been like this, and my parents never really objected to it.

"You made it!" Olivia exclaimed, pulling me into a warm hug. She gestured towards the guy beside her. "Elle, this is Luke, my boyfriend."

"Nice to meet you, Luke." I said, extending a hand as we exchanged introductions. He smiled warmly.

We settled into our seats. The waiter approached with a pad in his hand, ready to take our order. We ratted off our preferences, and waiter noted down accordingly.

Grace eyed me. "Elle, I've just discovered the secret to your impeccable fashion sense."

I raised an eyebrow. "Shut up, I love this outfit."

I was wearing a floral print, long, dark blue skirt, its full-length slit revealing just the right amount of flair with each step. The deep hue exuded a subtle sophistication, drawing attention without being overly flashy. Paired with the skirt, my choice of a full-sleeved white crop top added a touch of chic contrast.

Conversation kicked off effortlessly, bouncing from random topics like childhood cartoons, bizarre food combinations and everything. Soon, Lucas too joined in on our banters. The light hearted exchange set the tone for the evening and we continued to crack jokes and sarcastic remarks, maintaining the jovial atmosphere.

"Let's capture this moment!" Olivia suggested.

We all pulled out our phones. The café's soft lightings and the smiles on our faces resulted in perfect pictures. We snapped more pictures, capturing candid photos. Grace leaned in. "So, Olivia, Luke, how did you two love birds meet?"

Olivia exchanged a quick glance with Lucas before a smile crept onto her face. "Well, we've known each other practically forever. Our parents were best friends, and we spent every holiday together. We even went to the same school."

Grace raised an eyebrow, a sly smile forming on her lips. "High school sweethearts, huh? Classic."

Olivia chuckled. "I guess life just has a way of bringing people back to where they belong."

Grace's expression twisted into a faux-disgusted look. "Ew, you guys are so disgustingly romantic. I can't handle it."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Grace's comment. "Oh, come on, Grace. It's a beautiful story."

Grace smirked. "Elle, you're just a hopeless romantic. Not everyone swoons over fairy tale love stories."


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