Beast of Bears

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The Beast of Bears is a cryptid found in Southern Texas, Florida, Virginia, and possibly Arkansas. The creature resembles a large bear with many scars and missing patches of fur. It is commonly seen near swamps as well as various areas in deep woods. The creature is described as having a strong pungent smell of alcohol and rotten eggs.


The Beast of Bears resembles a large bear with many scars and missing patches of fur. It has also been theorised that because it lives near swamps, that it has gills. It also has large red eyes like those of the Mothman.


The first sighting of the Beast of Bears was October 12, 1973, at a camping spot near the town of Alice, Texas. Since then, over 31 sightings have been made of the creature, the most recent of which was on the 1st of May, 2012 in a back yard out side of Crestview, Florida.

The first sighting of the Beast of Bears was made by nature photographer Philip Hyde in 1973, at a camping spot near the town of Alice, Texas.


Though the first official sighting was in 1973, there is evidence to support that the Beast of Bears is not a hoax. This drawing suggests that the Beast of Bears is also further up north, in canada. It was drawn by a person who wishes to remain anonymous.

There are inuit stories about giant bears who drag people under the water, drown them and eat them. Though these have never been proven, people have been known to go missing around all these areas, some of the causes have been listed as bear attacks.

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