A Nemophilist's Reverie

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In woodland depths where shadows dance,
A nemophilist finds sweet romance.
Amidst the trees, a haven deep,
Where nature's secrets slowly seep.

Through rustling leaves, whispers rise,
Echoes of ancient, verdant ties.
With every step, a sacred trove,
A symphony of life, in groves.

Canopies weave a emerald spell,
Where solitude and silence dwell.
The fragrance of pine, a soothing balm,
In this sylvan world, a tranquil psalm.

Mossy carpets beneath my feet,
A sanctuary where senses meet.
Through the foliage, the sunlight weaves,
A tale of peace, the forest conceives.

A dance of hues in every glade,
A nemophilist's serenade.
Nature's canvas, a masterpiece,
In the heart of the forest, find release.

      - Willisha

In verses, I etch my life's vivid tapestry.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora