"I was going to let you play. But then you decided to disobey me," he mutters.

"Do you hate it when I call you.."

"It's not that!" He cuts me off, causing my lips to instinctively spread wide.

"Then what?" I ask quickly controlling my smile. "Why did you do that? Look you made me so sad." He just sighs and keeps watching Jimin play. "I'm serious. You really made me sad. You must do something."

"What?" He asks.

"Give me a kiss and I'll cheer up," I say.

"Shh..." He tilts his face and rolls his eyes at me. Pretending really sad, I lower my eyes and stare at my lap.

"Tae hyung, stop it," he says after a few seconds. "You can play for as long as you want after Jimin shi is done." I still don't look up, making him sigh.

"Fine!" He says after just a minute passes with me sitting quietly. Then he leans forward, grabs my chin and tilts my face, quickly pecking my lips. "Satisfied?" He asks pulling away and staring at my eyes as I smile at him. I shake my head and once again press my lips on his. "Now satisfied," I mumble, enjoying the sight of his bright red cheeks. Jimin was so immersed in the game that he didn't see anything.

After he finishes his game, I take the seat in front of the computer and start playing. A few minutes later, I hear the door click open followed by a high-pitched squeal.

"Tae Oppa!"

I turn around to see Eugene, coming running towards me. Her sister Jieun had also stepped into the room along with her and was looking at me and Jimin with a frown.

"Tae oppa, you finally came! Why didn't you come during vacation?" Eugene squeals grabbing my hands.

"Oh..I'm sorry Eugene-ah. I got busy with stuff. Come here," I smile and pull the little girl into my lap, causing her to giggle cutely.

But that causes her big sis's frown to deepen. "Eugene! Get off the guy's lap! Do you even know him?" She snaps.

"Yeah, I know him. He is Kookie oppa's best friend," Eugene tells her sister. "Oh, Tae oppa, is this your other friend?" She asks turning her face to Jimin who is smiling broadly at her.

"Yeah, this is Jiminie," I introduce him to her. "Jimina, this is our Jungkookie's little sister."

"Oh! She is so cute!" Jimin squeals and comes closer to us. "Your name is Eugene??"

"Yeah!" She nods to him happily. Her big sister wasn't liking it and it was clearly evident on her face.

"Eugene, c'mon, let's go!" She says.

"No, you go. I'm playing games with Kookie oppa's friends," Eugene declares, making Jieun glare at her. However, the little girl on my lap just ignores it. "Let's play together, Tae oppa?"

"Sure," I smile at her and turn around on the chair, facing the game screen. I start playing the game again but then quickly exit it as Eugene gasps when my champion suddenly raises the sword.

"Oh, why did you close it?" She asks.

"Let's play some other game," I say and turn around to Jungkookie. "Bun...I mean Jungkook-ah, what game do we have for her?"

"I wanna play Minecraft!" Eugene squeals even before Jungkookie can answer and already starts opening Minecraft whilst leaning forward from my lap. Kookie and Jimin smile watching Eugene tap her little fingers on the keyboard while Jieun glares hard at me, still standing near the doors. Ignoring her, I turn around and amusedly watch Eugene play Minecraft. She was paying extremely well for a six-year-old. I wonder if Jungkookie taught her to play. Then he might be so good at playing video games!

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