eras tour

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A/N : {this chapter is ENTIRELY based off of 'djh1126' 'taylor swift one shots'. i just needed a place to start from, but the rest of the chapters will be original <3 }

eras tour
estelle : age 3
nashville , texas

taylor's POV

"where is gwanma mommy" estelle questioned, pointing to the ceiling. i was going on stage soon, i just needed a few more touches on my makeup.
"grandma will be coming soon sweetheart, shes just with grandad right now," i grabbed este's pink fluffy coat from the hanger and held it out in front of her. "you'll be needing this, it's very cold out tonight, we don't want you to get ill now do we honey?" she shook her head.
"but i dont like my coat, it's to puffy and big!" she folded her arms and scolded me, a look of anger and sadness in her face, but that faded as soon as my mom walked into the room. "este, hello baby," my mom ran over to este, picking her up and spinning around the dressing room.
"tay, ready to go on stage?"
"yep, all ready now," i say, closing my highlighter pallet.
"bye bye este, mommy will be back soon okay, grandma and grampy will look after you until I'm finished," i sneakily passed my mom esté's coat, as i kissed estelles's forehead. "night night este, momma loves you to the moon and to saturn,"
"estelle luvs ywou," este had a smile printed on her face.
"bye momma, good luck with este, she's being sassy today, love you,"
"love you too, tay," she chuckled.

andrea's POV

i place este gently down onto the couch, covering her with a small, knitted blanket. she slightly opens her eyes, holding her arms above her head. "este, just in time, mommas doing a speech, maybe she'll talk about you!" i say, pointing at tay, who was sat at the evermore piano, about to perform champagne problems.
"momma!" she screams, jumping off of the couch.
"shh, i know it's a concert but we need to use our indoor voices," i used this technique with taylor when she was little, it helped her get used to using quiet voices.
taylor began her speech as este, scott , travis and i sat on the edge of our seats, listening to every word. "when i began this tour, i had just welcomed something very special in my life, my daughter este, she's in the crowd right now. este, momma loves you!" she blew lots of kisses aimed in our direction. the cameras on the big screens switched to este, as she jumped up and down in her blue elsa dress.
"i was not expecting this tour to be as successful and big as the reputation stadium tour, but, i just wanted to say that i'm very grateful for all of your support, and i'm very grateful for my family and friends, they have supported me so much with this. so, thank you." taylor began to play champagne problems.
"este, go sit back down baby, you need sleep." I gently plant a kiss on the top of her head, making sure to brush the curls out of her face.

A/N : {hii, so this is my first time writing. im really bad at writing speeches, so i hope this is good. next chapter will probably be done by today (feb 14th, happy valentines) or tomorrow (feb 15th) }

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