"Also, you didn't need to apologize, I know what you were doing, your curious mind never lies."

"O-Ozzie, what's this room?"

"Oh, it's my private art room, I sometimes like to draw freely if I don't have work I must do, it's mainly a secret talent I do when I'm alone. I don't let anyone in here for obvious reasons except for Fizzarolli. But I was actually going to show it to you when I was fully completed with everything or needed to fully trust someone who can be respectful."

He led her down to the main room, and then shows her the current work he's doing, it was incomplete, but she could tell it was a hardworking portrait he's creating. it symbolizes a pink figure, but missing a face.

"What's this piece?"

"Oh, it's a surprise, I don't really want to reveal it just yet, but so far, it's going pretty swell in my eyes."

Filimena was interested in this, and she asked her more about his secret hobby.

"How long have you been doing this for?"

"Ever since I was younger, I was involve in so many likes of art, I couldn't get enough of it, the art of desires, and the art of picturing the best canvas. But of course, I had to keep that as a secret so that none of my family members will know about it, they say it's just a silly hobby and will never get you anywhere as the ruler of the Ring. So the basement was the best option to hide most of my pieces."

Filimena sees some extra canvas on the shelf, and more art supplies as well. She then gets a small idea.

"Do you mind if I try to paint?"

Asmodeus raised his brow when Filimena asked, she goes over to the canvas, and grabs a paint brush and some paint for her to use. She even sets up the stand with her hands, it was fairly simple for her. She places the canvas in the opposite positing of Asmodeus's side.

"What if..We try to paint and see who paints the quickest."

Asmodeus sits down, skeptical about her idea to paint with him.

"You know how to paint?"

"Of course, last year I've practiced."

With that, she begins painting, this signals Asmodeus to start paint as well. The two paint on their canvas panels with what they've got, the music was smooth and soothing for them to listen as they press against the colors onto the blank white frame. Filimena was harmonized by the tunes, she paints while following the instrumental lines of the music. Asmodeus sees her as she closes her eyes while painting, he was adored by her distraction of peace. He works on his, and goes for the face, using the black and white for the eyes. Filimena uses blue and green, they couldn't see their works, they kept it to themselves. The brush waves around and circles along the tracks, as the rollarcoaster goes down back to the finish line, the line of paint drools against another, mixing the colors in its droopy effect. The values, the shading, and vibrant hues, all coming together like notes for a new song.

As the song was finished from the phone, the two opened their eyes from the beautiful melody that awaken them back to reality. They were finished with their paintings, and are ready to showcase each other. Filimena slowly shows hers, it was a portrait of Asmodeus, it was beautifully crafted to look more realistic, and the background showcases the stars and the full moon. With Amodeus, he shown his. It was of Filimena in the most elegant way possible, she held a rose, and was under the sunlight. Both are pretty proud of their works, and held their hands, beamed and fell in love by their sights for one another.

Soon, the two hung their portraits onto the wall of their living room, admiring each of their work with each other. They've certainly accomplish something pretty special, even if it's simple or small. Later, Asmodeus and Filimena were on the couch together, they were watching a film that's about romance. Two demons were dancing together, happy. Filimena was warmhearted by this scene, While Asmodeus rests his hand onto her like a blanket. Asmodeus wasn't so use to Romance, but Filimena enjoys them a lot, so he tries his best to enjoy some of them, so far, there's some he finds not-so boring, or just okay. Filimena rested against Asmodeus like a pillow as her eyes were glued on both the TV and Asmodeus. The moment was soon interrupted when a phone started to ring. Asmodeus heard it and paused the TV to go and get it.

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