october 20th.
3:14 am.


hi again

hey brady
still cant sleep?

not in awhile no

why not ?

not sure, maybe im stressed

maybe its ur girlfriend
stressing u out 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


js saying its a possibility


r u happy with her?


just answer the question please

no, im not

goodnight brady noon

wait clover


i was happier with u

goodnight brady noon

goodnight clover fang
read 3:28 am

october 21st.
1:09 am.


hi clo


no? why would i be
brady... its connor

oh right mb

why did brady text u from my phone?

idk read the texts

mmm ok


he's still inlove with u yk


he doesn't even like crew,
she pisses him off 24/7
all he talks about is u

he was inlove with me?

if he wasnt then he is now

why r u telling me this

so u give him another chance

i cant do that if he has a gf.

but you'll give him one if he doesnt??

maybe idk
will he be an asshole if
im grounded again?

clover... he regrets that everyday
of his life
he'll never do it again

i would give him another
chance if he was single.


also what is it with u guys texting
me so late

u guys have been texting?

yeah everyone once and a while
when he cant sleep

thats how he's been falling
asleep so easily now...


what day did he start texting u?

the 17th

bradys had sleep issues since
u were grounded and everything
went down.
that night he came in my room to
try and fall asleep, at about 3:30
he was out like a light for the first
night in maybe 2 weeks


u calm him down, clover
he needs u

goodnight connor

goodnight clo
sleep well
read at 1:27 am

mia talks 😇😇

theyre slowly coming back and im so ready for it

short chapter 👀

um bye love u

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