Chapter Twenty Three

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I turned my head around to acknowledge the person who watched me.

"Damon." I growled. "You traitor." I snarled. I didn't shout. Zade would definitely hear me then.

"Listen I can explain. Just listen to me, Esra."

"Do you know how many times I've listened to people's shit? I'm tired. People should listen to me too."

"Esra, I didn't run away." He held his hands up to surrender. "Those chains were unbreakable. This guy released me."

"Mason?" I asked.

"How did you know? Have they caught him?"

"No." I sighed and turned around. "He gave me this medication that was supposed to help me heal and get better but instead it began to paralyze my body. I stopped taking it for a week and it all stopped. Mason gave it to me on purpose. He's not on our side." I explained.

"That bastard." Damon swore. "I swear I didn't want to leave. But I had to. I've been hiding here ever since."

"Here I thought I was the only one who thought of escaping through here." I rolled my eyes.

"Runs in the blood I guess." Damon chuckled. "You can hide here in the mountains. It also happens to be a good hiding place because somehow scents get hidden."

"Really?" I looked around me. There were these yellow-ish plants everywhere. "What are these plants?"

"I'm not sure. They look like sage but they're yellow."

"You think these are the plants that hide your scent?"

"Could be possible but there's no record of these plants. I've checked before." He said.

"Then let's name it." I whispered. I looked at the plant leaves that tangled beneath my feet. This part of the mountains were full of these plants growling wildly.

"Yellow sage." Damon grinned and crossed his arms.

"No." I frowned. "I want it to be something...special." I bent down and touched it's leaves.

"You want to name it after Zade, don't you?"

A tear rolled down my face as I nodded. "Kítrino zade sage." I whispered.

"Yellow flourishing sage?" Damon asked.


"If that name ever went in the records then it would have been wonderful." Damon said.

I wiped my tears. "Yeah, you're right." I stood up. "Somebody else would probably find it and name it."

"Why did you run away? Again?" Damon unfolded his arms and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I don't want this life. Sometimes..." I choked on my words. "Sometimes I wish I was just human."

"But why? We're so much better than humans. We have heightened senses. We're supernatural. We're not like those pesky humans." Damon protested.

"But they have a simple life! We don't. Look at this. Look at us."

"Esra, there's a war. We can't spend time bickering about this shit. You're the last tundra wolf dammit and they have your-" He cut himself off. But I knew exactly what he was going to say.

"Blood." I completed his sentence. "They have my blood which means they have access to the Moonstone."

"The Moonstone is powerful. Azrael will control everyone."

"I know." I sighed. "I know."

"The war is coming soon."

"Sooner than you think."

"What do you mean? The full moon is only in a week." Damon frowned and thought as he spoke. "No... No... Is it?"

I nodded. "The blood moon."

"Then... Azrael... He'll..."

Damon couldn't complete his sentence. He was beyond shocked. I heard his heart beat rise. He was never afraid before.

"Azrael will be able to control everyone, including demon wolves. He will summon all the rogues from the human world."

"Fuck this man." Damon cursed out loud. "Fuck you, Azrael." He shouted into the sky. His voice echoed through the mountains.

"Damon, calm down. Zade will win. I know he will. I hope."

"Azrael has the Moonstone. That's infinity against one." He held up one finger to indicate one.

"We can get it back. Somehow..." I trailed off, knowing there was no way possible to get it back.

"Esra," Damon clenched his fists. "When the blood moon comes, we're doomed."

Bound To The Alpha [EDITING] (#1 New Moon) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon