Secrets of The Darkest Art

Start from the beginning

"Just because we have run out of time doesn't mean you got out of telling me about what your father has been doing to you Maia." She whispered.

'Fucking Gryffindors' Maia thought to herself as she hugged the witch back. She just nodded her head, it was futile to fight against Granger when she wanted answers. The witch pulled back and headed toward the door before giving Maia one last look.

"Restricted section Granger? Yeah?" Maia insisted.

"Restricted Section Maia" Hermione vowed, the click of the bell above the door she was gone.

Maia packed up all her belongings neatly into her bag, left some muggle money on the table and started the walk back to Diagon Alley to go home. Maia's head was swimming, she just needed a distraction, something to quiet down her mind, she was far too exhausted to occlude.

August 1st 1996

Malfoy Manor


As Maia stepped out of the fireplace and into Draco's room, she realised he still wasn't home,

'What the fuck did that psychopath have him out doing all day without magic?' she thought to herself. She was about to leave and sneak back into her room until she remembered the second drawer down next to Draco's bed was where he hid his own distraction method. Maia pulled open the drawer and found it. A bottle of Firewhiskey. She grabbed it and was about to sneak it into her robes when the door opened. Draco was home. 'Typical' she muttered to herself. She didn't even make eye contact before he started shouting.

"Where the fuck have you been all day?"

"You could have gotten killed going out on your own!"

"Is that my shitting Firewhiskey?"

Maia just looked at him, she physically didn't have the energy to talk about this right now, her bones felt tired, her mind was on the verge of snapping she just wanted to be alone.

"I'm taking this" she responded in a monotone voice, shaking the bottle at him. As she tried to walk past him, he stood at the doorway blocking her path, he grabbed her arm.

"Maia, what the fuck is going on? Why aren't you talking to me? You always talk to me?" he challenged her. She just gave a deep sigh before replying.

"I'm tired Draco. Later? Okay?"

He didn't seem fully convinced by her response, but he let go of her arm and off she went to her room.

Maia was just tired of knowing everything and not being able to talk about it, she could feel the weight of her secrets and lies on her shoulders, grinding down her bones, and her body felt heavy. Her heart hurt and her mind was on fire.

She took off her bag before stowing it away safely under the floorboard, she threw off her robes and placed the whiskey on her bedside. She changed into her nightdress and climbed into her bed. The plush feeling of her pillows supporting her head, she tried to focus on how the silk sheets felt on her skin, but it was no use. Her mind wouldn't stop. She sat up and grabbed the Firewhiskey, unscrewing the lid, her hand was shaking.

Her mind was flooding with images, flashing through her worst memories or worse things yet to come.

'Granger breaking down over Draco's sacrifice' Drink

'The sound of Draco screaming the night he got the mark' Drink

'Lying to Harry about everything for a year' Drink

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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