One Twins Sacrifice

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"Maia, my dear. It is my understanding that I have underestimated you. You have befriended the Potter boy, correct?" Voldemort hissed

"Yes, My Lord I have created a bond with Potter he trusts me," Maia said as calmly as she could.

Voldemort started to walk closer to her, the snake not far behind slithering her way towards Maia, he drew his wand and non-verbally cast a spell to drag her closer to him as she levitated in front of him, her feet mere inches from the ground.

"You befriended him for me? For my intentions? Tell me Miss Malfoy, what inspired this unsanctioned mission of yours?" he purred.

Maia now far closer to him, was able to see his features more clearly, his claw-like fingernails, his red eyes looking straight through her. He looked like a demon.

"If I may speak freely My Lord?" Maia remarked. He took a moment to look her up and down, Maia now levitating in front of him before sighing a deep breath and dropping her to the floor. She could feel Draco burning his eyes into the back of her head, a message 'Don't say anything stupid'.

"Thank You, My Lord," she remarked before standing up slowly. "Draco was given the task to bond with Potter in our first year, but as I mentioned Draco's skills do not lie in making friends." She took a deep breath before continuing. "After your return was confirmed, I thought this may be a second chance for the Malfoy family to prove their loyalty to you, to make up for where our father failed and give you better access to the boy." Lie Maia's occlusion was intact, but she could still feel her blood run cold at the thought of him not believing her. When the words came out of her mouth, she was shocked by how used she was to lying, she could lie without flinching, it did not bother her but talking about Harry in that way left a bitter taste in her mouth.

"Well, I have to say,Miss Malfoy, I am impressed, even though your father has failed me yet again you have proven yourself better than him. You have given me a far better prize." He hissed. "The reward for such a prize is the honour to take the mark and become one of my Death Eaters. The task I have for you, I believe you will be able to complete proficiently" He declared. Before erupting into a sinister laugh

Before Maia could even respond, before she even allowed herself to breathe, she heard him. Whatever plan he had concocted it was beginning now. Maia turned her head to see Draco, eyes still glazed, she tried to breathe but it got caught in her throat.

"My Lord" Draco pleaded.

Voldemort looked over to Draco, still on his knees, he clenched his fist before responding to him.

"Ah, the other Malfoy... I am sure we are all interested to hear what it is you have to say" Voldemort clipped.

Draco stood up slowly before opening his mouth, "My Lord, my sister has clearly proven herself to you, she has created a bond with Potter which could be beneficial to your cause but to continue to do this successfully she needs to keep up this bond... this friendship." Draco hinted. Maia could see Voldemort's face screw up, but she did her best to remain as calm as possible, she had to keep her walls up. Draco continued "This will be a lot more difficult for her to keep up this pretence if she has the mark on her arm, if she has to complete two missions at one time. I would like to be the one to take the mark, allow both the Malfoy twins to serve you, and allow me to prove myself to you as my sister has. Allow her to focus all her energy and magic on Potter" he almost pleaded.

Maia's heart stopped, the walls were slipping, not Draco, any other solution but this. Draco had protected her so much in their childhood, he had always loved her but, this time he was sacrificing a huge part of himself to protect Maia. He was sacrificing everything Maia refused to sacrifice herself in the name of Malfoy, but he was doing it for her. Maia's head was spinning, it felt like hours even though it was only minutes, a part of her was begging Voldemort not to accept his offer.

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