Secrets of The Darkest Art

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TW: This chapter contains scenes that have themes of PTSD nightmares, Child Abuse, low mental health and strong language.  There is also a sexual scene towards the end. If that's not for you please don't read it! Also notice the Little Women reference at the end of the chapter because Maia is so Amy March coded. 

Look after yourself and stay safe! G <3 

The excerpt about Horcruxes was taken directly from the Harry Potter Wiki Page <3 

I would recommend listening to Gilded Lily (Sped Up) - Cults for the first half of this chapter and then Washing Machine Heart - Mitski for the Nott Manor scenes. hehehe enjoy! 

August 1st 1996

Unnamed Café

Muggle London


As Maia sat in the small leather booth in the far corner of the café, she watched as her words sunk into Hermione's mind, her eyes big brown eyes widened, water forming at her lash line, the lines in her forehead furrowing together. Maia felt drained, she had turned this witch's life upside down in a matter of hours, broken her heart and told her that the villain in their story might have achieved immortality. Her heart ached for Hermione. She'd had weeks to come to terms with all of this, Hermione had hours. She had also had to hear Theo shagging bloody Daphne Greengrass which did not make her list of top 10 mornings, lost in her mind she barely registered the witch in front of her talking again.

"Godric! If you're right Maia this will be far more complicated to win the war. Promise you will tell me if you find something in the library?" Hermione pleaded.

Maia jerked her head, pulled from her thoughts "Of course Granger, but it's too dangerous to try and get in touch again before school starts. I promise I'll tell you anything I find when we get back okay?" Maia vowed.

Hermione nodded her head in response, worry still swirling around her golden-brown eyes.

Maia reached into her bag and pulled out the pouch of muggle money that Theo had acquired for her and slid it over to Hermione. The witch looked puzzled.

"What's this for?" she probed. "Godric Maia why is there so much of it?" she continued, fingering through the muggle notes in the pouch.

"I need you to buy me muggle clothes for when we go into hiding, if all I have is wizarding robes, they will know who I am straight away, and these robes aren't exactly made for running for your life" Maia joked. "Just get me some of those muggle jeans you wear and jumpers, you'll know better than I would. Bring them with you in your trunk and I'll sneak them from you when we get back to Hogwarts. Keep whatever money is left over, I can't be spotted with muggle money."

Hermione was still writing everything down as Maia was talking, 'such a swot' Maia smirked to herself.

"Of course, I'll do that Maia but I'm not keeping the money!" Hermione declared.

Maia just rolled her eyes "I swear to Salazar all you Gryffindors are so bloody self-righteous, if you won't keep it then donate it to one of those muggle charities, you're always going on about" she snipped.

Hermione just smirked and nodded her head.

"I'll need to head home now Maia, Mum and Dad will be expecting me home for dinner".

Maia watched as the witch packed away all her things, parchment, money the like as she stood up slowly with her, she was enveloped in a hug again by the witch, her curls tickling Maia's nose. She leaned into Maia's ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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