
"Fuck off." He grumbles. He sat me down and walked into the water rubbing off the blood.

"How did you find me?" I ask helping him wash the blood off his back. He looks over but doesn't say anything.

"... You kept me alive."

"How long were you down there?"

"Eternity. Time here is funky." I nod getting his hair wet, as blood oozes out into the ocean.

"What is this place?"

"Purgatory," He hums almost in a laughing manner.

"All soldiers who kill go here," I added.

"I was in hell for murder... but you also killed so... why weren't you in hell too?" I sit back and look at his broad back and the muscles rippling under his skin. I run my finger along his back.

"Well, I only kill to defend others... You kinda killed them in rage."

"Not wrong."


"This is nice," He mumbles his back in the shallow water. I rest my head on his shoulder face in the crook of his neck, my body sprawled on top of him.


"Crawling out of hell for a cuddle sesh, this is perfect." He whispers holding me tight, "I can spend eternity like this."

I don't remember how long we stayed like this. I don't remember if we fell asleep. But either way, it was so nice after an entire year of running around we got a time of peace.


"Mhm?" Me and Diego go. I lifted my head and there looking down at us was Soap.


"Extremely," Diego said.

"How did you die?" I asked and Soap sat down his chest had scars.


"Ooh..." Diego goes.

"Can I cuddle?" Soap asks. Diego opens an eye to study him.

"No." Charlie rolls over hoarding me like I was a pile of gold. I looked up at Soap who was full on pouting and glaring at Diego.

"Where is this place?" Soap asks looking around, he is still in tactical gear.

"Purgatory... my purgatory. why you are here I have no idea." I say, "Charlie climbed out of hell." Soap looks down shocked as fuck.

"Mate, how did you end up in hell and she didn't?"

"Who knows," Diego grumbles snuggling into my hair.

"I'm bored." Soap said crouching down to our height. His clothes change into swimwear.

"I don't care," Diego grumbles.

"I challenge you to dig the deepest hole," Soap said confidently. Diego's eyes shot open and he scrambled up.


"What the hell is going on here?" I turn away as both men look over. There emerging from the distance is Alejandro in tactical gear.

"How did you die?" I ask. Alejandro studies the scene and sighs.


"Your ex?" I ask.

"She's not my ex!"

"What is this place?" Alejandro looked around it was like the crystal clear waters of Mexican beaches, beautiful.

Echoes|| König x Reader x GhostWhere stories live. Discover now