"König?" he nods. I stared at the Austrian with an intense stare. I think my eyes almost popped out.

"More or less," I mutter. He looks at me and sits down on the bed next to me. "I lost my legs." his eyes widened, and he turned to me I could see the shame and fear on his face. It's so strange being able to read him... see his face.

"I'm sorry-"

"It's fine," I sigh and look back at my computer, "... I guess my career is over." I couldn't help with smile.

"Yes but—"

"I'm looking at prosthetic design." König stares at me before leaning in and looking at my computer.

"It's going to be expensive."

"I know."

"... I'll pay for it," he spoke complimented and confident.


"You lost your legs because of me-"

"It was a bomb-"

"I'll pay for it." I suck in my breath and sigh. I could tell even if I denied it he still would try to pay for it.


"Besides the legs, how are you?" he asks, his expression lightening up.

"Alright," I said slowly, "sore as hell." He breaks into a soft smile.

"I feel like the time I did Pilates, sore and extremely fragile," I grumble. He chuckled at my words. "What about your first time impaled?" He arched a brow at my work but answered.

"I've been hit by shrapnel before if that's what you're asking."

"More or less," I tell him.

"What about you ever been impaled?"

"Yeah, With a knife." I mulled over, I did once get stabbed.

"That's called being stabbed."

"I was still impaled." He has such a sweet smile; his canine fangs protrude a little further giving him a cute sharp smile.

"I didn't expect you to have a buzz cut," I tell him, and close my computer,

"What did you expect? I have flowing hair like Charlie?" I blinked and thought about it. The idea of him having flowy hair was pretty ridiculous, I couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah, I think if you had L'Oréal hair, I think I buzz your hair off myself." I hear his boisterous chuckle ring loudly in my room. "How dare you have more lustrous hair than me." He couldn't stop laughing.

"If I cut your hair—" He begins.

"I impale you." He laughs harder and shakes his head.

"I like to see you try."

"You think I can't?" I ask a little annoyed, I think I can stab him at least once.

"I think I can pin you before that." I looked away, that was probably the correct outcome, but a girl can dream.

"I'm surprised you're not bedridden," I tell him. "For an old man." Irritation cross his face and I couldn't help but chuckle my ass off. He rolls his shoulder, and I can tell he is stiff.

"Don't get cheeky."

"Why I'm acting my age."

"Don't remind me," he said a little solemnly, cheeks a little flush. I never expected to see a grown man flush, I guess he isn't used to being teased.

"You have a long road of physical therapy..." He clears his throat and looks back at me. My slight smile droops and I look away; indeed, I do have a long journey.

Echoes|| König x Reader x GhostWhere stories live. Discover now