Watch me work

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After they re-emerged I couldn't stop the harsh shaking swallow I took at his new outfit,

It was a skin tight baby pink dress shirt with deep obsidian glossy dress pants that hugged his thighs perfectly, making the sharp shapes of his legs more predominant, however those pink converse were still on his feet along with his accessories but his hair was tied up into a low messy bun with a star hair clip.

"There now that he looks less like he crawled off the street, he can get you ready for our photo shoot today, right?" My sisters eyes shot me a look that screamed at me not to fuck this up. But before I could dignify my sister's words with a response Floyd spoke up.

"Uh yeah I should definitely have enough time before-" he tried to weasel his way out of my sister's harsh tone, not that I blame him, Vels just has that effect on people.

"Before what? What could be more important than my brother?" I watched those soft magenta eyes glance away as a blush of red started consuming his face as he awkwardly coughed at her wording.

"Well my brother needs me for his restaurant-" Floyd tried to soothe my sister's self righteous rage at him trying to weasel himself out of his first photoshoot.

"Well call that brother of yours and tell him that you're busy today, did Crimp not tell you that we are your top priority-" she stood on her tippy toes to glare into his warm deep dreamy pomegranate skinned eyes, her index finger jabbed into his chest as she pursed her lips at him whilst squinting her eyes.

"Relax Velvs, Crimp probably didn't specify~ I mean I've overheard that she was desperate." I tried to soothe Velvet's fierce rage towards the innocent man who tried to hide himself from my sister, honestly it was kinda funny to see them squaring up but my darling sister decided to give up on her hot pursuit of him.

"Uggg fine-" with a roll of her eyes she stomped over to the couch and placed of her alabaster hand on the arm of the plush couch leaning on that limb with a cocked eyebrow.

"No I can call him, I mean he and his kids are massive fans of you guys, he'll probably call my brother Clay to help out." oh he was adorable as he tried to stammer through his sentence trying hard to appease my sister with his hands fiddling with his pockets as he tried to look into her eyes, only failing because those dazzling orbs kept wondering back into mine, and I watched as he quickly turned as soon as he realized that I was fully unabashedly staring at him taking in his features.

"Really?" Velvet chimed with a cocked eyebrow as I took a sip from the glass of water on the table, much more intrigued to be a listener of the back and forth between the two. Their attitudes were almost like a chihuahua and a golden retriever and that brought a smile to my face as I swallowed my first sip of water, only for him to chime in with,

"Yep all 15 of them~" I spat out the water I just started to sip on with a wet cough following it at what he just told us and Velvet's eyes grew as wide as dinner plates.

"I'm sorry... 14 whole ass kids?!" Her screeching was totally justified, holy shit 14 whole ass kids, how does one not die after that goddamn many? That's what was bamboozling me as Velvet stood there with a curled lip laced with confusion.

"Yeah! He and his wife got busy a-lot ever since he moved out -" he awkwardly rubbed the back his neck as we both kept staring at him as if he grew several heads.

"And they're all fans of us?" And There she is, my darling narcissist as her attitude grew more joyful at hearing the news that all 14 of those gremlins and their father are a fan of us.

"Well they're a Veneer household....but they like you too" He trailed off and I looked towards my sister who rolled her eyes as I was his brother's favorite, I already had brownie points before I walked into the door. Nice~

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