Sourwolf Karaoke

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Derek had witnessed a lot of things happen in the loft.

Fights, murders, magic...he'd pretty much seen it all.

The streamers however....that was new.

"What's going on here?"

Erica jumped down from where she was hanging up some balloons to stand in front of the Alpha.

"Oh hey Der, we were just decorating!"

"....I can see that....what exactly are you decorating for?"

"A surprise party for Stiles!"

The she-wolf's excitement dimmed a little at the sight of Derek's raised eyebrows.

" did know that today is Stiles's birthday, right?"

"He should ," Peter chimed in as he tried (unsuccessfully) to free himself from a pile of ribbons with his claws, "after all the pup practically lives here."

His uncle wasn't wrong about that. Stiles stayed at the loft more often than he did his own house, especially after everything that went down with the Nogitsune. There wasn't a room in the place that didn't have  the human's hoodies, research notes, and other random belongings strewn about.

Derek didn't even want to think about the fact that his bedroom was practically drenched in the boy's scent from his constant sneaking in there due to nightmares.

Nope....definitely did not want to go down that train of thought.

He was snapped out of his reverie by Isaac and Boyd brushing past him with several pieces of electronics.

"What's all that for?"

"Karaoke machine, Cora thought it would be a fun addition to the party."

Karaoke? His ears were already bleeding at the thought of it.

"Where is Cora, anyway?"

"I think she's in the kitchen," Isaac said as he plugged in a microphone, accidentally creating a shrill feedback that made everyone in the loft flinch.

Covering his ears, Derek headed towards the kitchen before his migraine got worse.


When he entered the room Cora was putting the finishing touches on a cake that looked very familiar.

"Did you use mom's recipe?"

"Yep, Stiles helped me recover several of them from the old house and restore the pages. It should be completely ready to go by the time the twins get back with the pizzas."

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