Showering petals

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" If you are done laughing, now can you open the door?" The man asked with an utterly straight face making Taehyung question that whose house was it actually. Taehyung stood up from the ground and came face to face with the man but with the glass door in between.

" And why will I do that mister?" Taehyung sassed. " Cause like , last time I checked , this was my house, and you were a sadistic lunatic ass bitch" Taehyung continued looking straight into the eyes of the man outside who was picking his tongue on his cheek and Taehyung was sure, that If a stare could actually kill someone he would have been dead by now.

" Listen kid, I have got something very important to discuss with you and if we don't thaen....maybe you will have to pay for that with your life and I won't be able to go where I am supposed to be right now." The man explained looking at the now serious Taehyung. But it was natural of him to be doubtful of a stranger who literally just ran into his glass door. " And what if you actually do something to me?" Taehyung asked being protective of himself.

" Well then...can you pray? Like you aren't an atheist are you?" Jeongguk asked to make sure that whatever he was gonna say will be worth it and he will be granted access in the house. But Taehyung on the other hand was weirded out by the question , but answered none the less " uh...yeah I do...". Jeongguk, on hearing the answer didn't said anything for maybe a second or two. Still contemplating as to tell the boy his most vulnerable secret or not. But soon answered, cause he realised that this was the only way to  talk to Taehyung.

" Ok so can actually punish me by praying...." Jeongguk said looking dead into Taehyung's confused eyes. " Huh? You think tha I am some kind of fool ? " Taehyung said now slightly angry that the man was maybe trying to play him. " Stop with these shits of yours otherwise I am gonna kill you with these !" The boy continued while showing both his slipons that were in his hands now.

" I am not playing with you kid. I am telling the truth. You can try if you want" jeongguk reasoned and shrugged looking at Taehyung who was now standing and contemplating if he should try that or not. But his curiosity got the best of him and he threw the slippers on the ground —not to mention that jeongguk slightly flinched at that— and folded his hands . With his eyes closed, Taehyung prayed for something and opened his eyes and started staring at jeongguk with curious eyes.

Jeongguk on the other hand was confused yet nervous as to wha might have Taehyung prayed for, and what if it was hurtful? But nothing happened for a while, So jeongguk got fed up with that and asked Taehyung " did you actually prayed or just tired to scare me?" He asked with his brows furrowed in anger. But all his confusions were cleared the moment he felt something drop on his head. He widened his eyes and looked up in the sky, there was a shower of beautiful rose petals on over him.

He looked back ahead and saw Taehyung stumbling backwards , not believing whatever just happened. He prayed for that and it just happened. " Don't you dare run kid or I swear I am gonna be the one praying this time" jeongguk threatened with a straight face. Taehyung sure was surprised but he wasn't going to run.


" So now you know that I am not a normal man and I have got something very important to talk to you. So please now can you let me in?" Jeongguk asked as a plea. But this time Taehyung actually opened the door. " I mean....yeah you are definitely not normal" Taehyung mumbled and let the man in. Jeongguk straight up went to Taehyung's bed and layed on it " ah~ it's been  a while since I have layed on a bed" jeongguk said with his eyes closed and sinking into the mattress.

" Ok but like...what did you pray for? Petals to fall over me?" Jeongguk questioned mockingly. Taehyung just started at him and stated with a straight face " uh no...I actually prayed that the petals should be showered once you try to speak but uh....guess I should have been more specific....that I wanted the petals to shower out of your mouth and not sky"....


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