better place

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The wind was whistling softly, caressing the blonde boy's soft skin. It was a beautiful day with the bright sun shining in the morning, birds chirping on the trees, and the beautiful boy loved this weather.
He was most certainly a morning person and anyone could tell that just by looking at his joyful aura early in the morning.

He was skipping his way to school since his classes started at 9. Taehyung was 19 years old . He was a 3rd year student with business as his major.

He used to have a happy family. His mom, dad and his elder brother Jin. But once when Taehyung was 15. He and his whole family had met with an accident, unfortunately killing all hai family. But luckily he survived.

Soon he reached his University and was welcomed by his small group of friends. Jimin threw himself over the blonde boy and hugged the living daylights out of him.
" I missed you tae! How were your summer vacations?" The pink head asked cheerfully.
" It was great chim! How was yours?" Taehyung too asked with a smile on his face. His smile somehow resembled a box.

" Hi tae. " Yoongi, one of his hyung's friends greeted him.

Taehyung and his brother seokjin were both the students of this university . So after Jin's death , Taehyung got more close to his hyung's friends aswel. And that even resulted to his bff jimin to be in relationship with one of Jin's friends yoongi and it was an understatement to say that Taehyung was over the moon.

" Let's get going or we will be late for our classes" another friend of Jin , named Namjoon said.
Well... Namjoon and Jin were not just friends. They were in a relationship. And after Jin's death Namjoon was devestated. He suffered from depression for a year but was able to cope up with it with the help of his friends.

Soon they all went to their respective classes. They were not a big fan of studying but dragged through all the classes nonetheless.

After their classes, they all met once again at the school entrance.
" Hey tae, wanna hangout? Me, joon and yoongi are going to hoseok hyung's café" jimin asked his bff .

"Ah , no chim I can't , I am sorry. " Taehyung apologised and then they all once again parted their ways.

On his was to home Taehyung saw a small girl crying and looking up at him with her little finger in his mouth.
And infront of her, was standing a tall man, wearing an overcoat and was just staring at the girl without making any attempt to hush her up.

For some reason, Taehyung got offended by that sight and decided to console the girl himself. So he marched towards the girl and crouched down infront of her.

" Hey...why are you crying sweetie? Is something wrong?" Taehyung asked the girl while gently removing her small fists from her swollen eyes and wiping her tears.

" H-hyung pet dog j-just died..." The girl answered and continued to sob. Taehyung felt bad for the girl...and he very well knows how it feels like to lose a loved one.

" Hey...don't cry baby. He is in a better place now! And he is watching you from there! " Taehyung tried to console the little girl. But it was no help at all, so Taehyung looked up at the stoic man who was still looking at the scene infront of him.

" Hey mister! Can you not just stand and stare and like , actually help me?" Taehyung shot at the man.
The man seemed too shocked to say anything. He just lifted his hand and pointed at himself. "Yes you! Who else do you see over here except for the three of us!"

" Hyung...whome are you talking to?" The little girl questioned looking at tae. Taehyung looked back at her from the man and saw that she had a confused expression on her face.
" I am taking to this man right-"...... Taehyung stopped talking once he saw that the man was no longer there.
" Uh.. nevermind, come I'll treat you on an icecream"

And with that they both left for the ice-cream parlour.

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