"You could ask the ambassadors about it, Mr. Secretary."

It was the only thing I could come up with. I don't know if God led me there, or it was simply on my mind due to my prayer. Either way, it was at least something, unlike his continued silence.

"I'll do that, Mr. Ryan."

The call ended, leaving me almost believing it was a dream. Secretary Woodall wasn't himself. Then again, I didn't know him, at all. It was impossible to say. For all I knew, that delayed response, and silence, was more in line with who he was.

Was he getting more comfortable with me? I hoped, and prayed he was. The more comfortable he was, the more likely he'd share information.

It wasn't just about getting more information, but having him listen. For all I knew, he was telling me those things to shut me up.

He could view me as some fall guy, if things went wrong. Which was why he kept me a little in the loop. It didn't matter if God guided him to call, since he still had free will to ignore everything that was so clearly sent by God.

It doesn't matter why he keeps calling, just so long as he does. It'll all work out, because it must. War's coming to Earth if it doesn't. War that can be avoided, if he listens to me. Which means it does matter, greatly.

Prayer's needed, desperately. Only through deep prayer can God reach him. No matter how much people pray for what's happening, nothing wrong with a little more.

While I pray, I check my email, since I don't think I did yesterday. But can't be certain, either way.

I didn't. Even in that deep state, I think I would've noticed the change of attack from the adversary. The spam was clearly of an adult related content.

It was a good thing I was already praying for protection from God. No improper thoughts crept in, while I deleted everything.

After they were gone, I thanked God for giving me the strength.

I wait for a bit, just in case something's sent by Secretary Woodall. But there's nothing, including a sense that God wants me to wait. If there were going to be something revolving around the aliens, I think I'd get some sense of it.

I close my email, before more spam shows up. Better not to even think about any of that.

Did I invite anyone over yesterday, before they left? I don't know. The entire day remained a blur.

It's another Schrodinger's Cat. I either did or didn't. Not that it matters. People will either show, or they won't, just like any day since it all started.

Fear creeps in, and know the source isn't from the adversary. It's a warning from God that ships are moving towards each other, again.

Is war coming to Earth? If it is, it's not too late to change course.

It all comes down to finding out what happened at Jorinthia. Which means Secretary Woodall needed to take the direct approach, and soon.

My needs hit the ground to pray for a miracle. I didn't get the sense people in power ever took the direct approach, about anything.

Peace, and urgency both came from God. I hoped and prayed Secretary Woodall felt the same.

That time, I was more aware of everyone showing up, and letting themselves in. I must've told them to, yesterday.

It was an awful, in the traditional to be full of awe, event. It was as if I could feel their prayers joining mine. I never felt anything like it, since.

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