Chapter 5

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We were at that site waiting for the last interior wall to dry. I looked over at the white lines pointed towards the heavens. Seeing the closing in on a completed house always brought about a sense of accomplishment. I've no idea why and seem to be the only one.

I think I finally figured it out, after many years of contemplating. All the perfect angles that don't exist in nature proves man created things nothing else on Earth does. In a way, it's almost like having some of the power of God, which is one of the reasons He created us.

To build, design, paint, write, reach the heavens on ships, be beneath the water, or whatever gifts we've been given. It all comes back to God giving us each a purpose.

Cell phones started to signal texts were being received through an alert. I looked at mine to find a warning of an incoming craft. That was new. Did some satellite just start heading towards us?

I know it should've been obvious it was an alien craft, but I hadn't fully wrapped my mind around the fact that we weren't alone.

I look up to see a streak of fire in the sky passing overhead and slow to a stop almost directly above just within our vision.

It was no satellite. It was one of theirs. But which one, and why were they over us?

"Think it's an invasion," Willie asked with uncertainty.

"I don't think so," Zack replied. "If they were going to attack. I don't think they'd send anything out this way. Could be an escape pod."

I nodded without looking away. "I think you're right. Nothing close enough to us to target. At least, not that I know of."

More alerts came in, but I don't think anyone checked to see. Another streak of fire was headed from the other direction, which caused whatever it was to climb out of my visual, before being chased by flaming streak that didn't stop.

Air Force jets flew low overhead with an almost deafening sound. I couldn't tell how many there were. It was all a bit much to take in.

The first was a small ship from the side claiming to be Atlantian hoping to sneak in before being chased off by the second ship that was designed for war by the Viridians. Both were gone before American jets showed up.

Considering how much land there is on Earth, why was our job site chosen? Another accident, which was no accident. Wrong coordinates don't happen, just like open channels to a planet don't happen, unless God guides such matters, which He clearly does.

God's feather was a bit heavier than the first ones he sent, but a feather, regardless. There was no sensing it. I was too focused on what I saw, rather than how they got there.

I do wonder if I had been more aware, could some of what followed been stopped? There's no way to know. But don't think anything I did could've avoided anything.

When two warring species arrive, there's not much anyone can do to get them to stop.
At least not quickly.

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