request page

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So this is the request page if you read my other one shot books you get the drill. However if you're new here or haven't read my other one shot books which you should go read btw. Then you don't know the rules of requesting which will be right below this text.

1. Nothing too violent or anything yandere is to requested here I will not be doing Suicide or anything related to selfharm or eating disorders I feel uncomfortable writing such things and will not write such things

2. No ocs here this book is for readers meaning you x the character it's called x reader book for a reason if you don't like these books than kindly click away

3. Other than that I will do most requests given to me however if there is a request that makes me uncomfortable that isn't mentioned above I will deline your request please be reasonable with your requests I have every right to turn down your request and just because I deline it doesn't give you a right to attack me for it I know it hasn't happened yet which I'm grateful for but even so I'd still need to put it out in the open also I might not write right away due to how many books I have to finish so again please be patient I will sometimes take long breaks from certain books to work on other books for a bit so I hope you can understand thanks for reading this

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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