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Another Oc!
This time, let me present to you ma boi, ma baby boi

Another Oc!This time, let me present to you ma boi, ma baby boiEdmond!!

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OMG and it's a traditional work😱😱
(Sorry for the bad quality btw XD)

Edmond was created for a character design class (2023) as a final project, we had to create a character based on a short description our teacher gave us and that's how mine turned out!
(He evolved a lot since then XD)

Here's some info about ma boi:

Edmond is 20 years
His birthday is February 14th
He's a botanist passionate by mushrooms
He was raised by his grandpa (his parents died when he was younger)
He lives in a world with giant mushrooms and magic and everything (this world is still a work in progress)
He's naive, clumsy, anxious and clearly has adhd
He talks a lot and usually doesn't realize it
He spends a lot of time outside, but never goes too far from his village
When he finds a new mushroom, he's the kind to taste it without knowing the effects it'll have before taking notes of it
He's a sweet boy, a pure, innocent child
He doesn't know when someone insults him (not until points it out to him that it's an insult)
He tends to put himself in danger without noticing it (by accident yk)
He's always there to help whenever someone in the village needs it
He's a quick learner and can adapt quite quickly to any kind of situation
He tends to ignore his own problems and help others with theirs
He can get scared of things easily (like his own shadow)
His friend snake's name is William Snakesphere (yes, yes, it is a pun XD)

And yeah!
That's all I can think for him!
Hope you like him because you'll see a lot of him
He's my baby, I love him so much, he must be protected at all cost, no matter what

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