Chapter 2: Vanity Cafe

Start from the beginning

"Of course, no problem." Y/n handed the boy a straw and watched as he robotically walked back to where the others were waiting for him.

"It's the Y/n Effect," said Keiji.

"Stop calling it that," said Y/n.

"How are you guys coming along?" asked the manager, Juro, interrupting their conversation as he put a hand on Y/n's shoulder.

"We're doing great; just my last order before I head out," said Y/n.

Juro's eyes looked down at her, and he gave her shoulder a firm squeeze. "Alright, keep up the hard work." He nodded and returned to his office.

"He's checking to make sure the boy wasn't hitting on his property." teased Keiji.

"Oh please," Y/n rolled her eyes as she took the helmet from Aoi.

"Everyone knows Juro's just waiting for Y/n to turn eighteen so he can get at her."

"Juro's a pervert," said Hoshi angrily.

"Tell me about it," added Aoi as she took her apron off. "He's always so handsy with you; it's creepy."

"You should find another job," said Yukiko as she looked directly at Y/n.

"Oh, come on, it's not that serious. It's just a joke," said Keiji as he gently bumped shoulders with her.

"I'm serious because it's a serious issue." Yukiko looked at him, the smile gone from her face; she turned her attention back to Y/n and handed her an order ready to go. "I'm telling you this because I care about you. I have a sister your age back home, she is still in school, but I wouldn't want her to work in a place like this with some pedo like Juro."

Y/n stayed quiet; as she put on the helmet and set the drinks on the counter, Aoi put her hand on Y/n's shoulder. "You're only sixteen; being emancipated might make you legally an adult, but you're still a kid. Be careful around men; you're too kind and trusting and not an object to look at. You're a kid. Be safe."

Aoi waved the group goodbye as she walked out the door; "Way to ruin the mood," said Keiji.

"Just get to work," said Hoshi. "Thankful no customers heard, and the online orders are starting up."

Y/n stared at the group before turning around and walking to turn on her motorcycle while she waited for the next three orders to be done. You should find another job. Those words rang through her head as she secured the delivery box and switched on the small fans inside the box.

She hadn't thought about that as an option; Juro could be a little... friendly at times, but it wasn't that big of a deal. He had never really tried anything or crossed a line; some comments were weird but not unbearable. Y/n could take the comments in stride; besides, they were just comments, nothing serious.

Returning inside, Y/n took the next two orders and put them with the first order, inserting the addresses into her GPS. Moving to the front of her motorcycle, Y/n opened the small basket inside; her snack pack, as she called it, was filled with snacks, and her bottle was ready to hydrate her on her orders.

Turning her attention to her GPS, she began figuring out what routes would save her time. "Four is blocked, so behind the depart should cut about four minutes, but the traffic would add..." she muttered as she looked in the distance and made some calculations.

"Don't forget your jacket; it might get cold." said a voice behind her as this voice's hand touched her lower back.

Spinning around quickly, Y/n saw that it was Juro; "Right," she said weakly.

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