"As a principal, I am immensely proud to watch such a talented former student of my school become so successful. Although I admit that she got into trouble quite a few times—alright, many times—it's because I'm positive that she was in her rebellious phase that time. It's very typical for teenagers to rebel at her age back then," her former principal said.

These interviews plus Iris' unimpressive school transcripts puzzled a lot of people. They wondered why Iris suddenly changed so much. Many also remembered her previous notorious bratty, bitchy and diva-like attitude as a teenage pop singer.

Netizens widely discussed this matter online.

"She changed so much when she made her first comeback. Maybe she hit her head so hard during the car crash, went into coma, and then became a genius all of a sudden after waking up."

"If that's really what happened, then maybe I should hit my head too. Will I become a genius too if I do that? I want to speak many languages like Iris Long too. So cool, man!"

"I've watched some documentaries before about comatose people waking up and then suddenly gaining the ability to speak many foreign languages. I don't know if that's what happened to Iris. But if so, then it's a medical miracle!"

TV programs became very interested in this topic. They even invited "experts" to discuss Iris' situation. There were psychologists, neurologists and a lot of other -ists who shared their "expert" opinions.

"Based on what we publicly know about Iris Long, she has a rather strong personality and had quite a turbulent childhood. It's well-known that her parents divorced when she was just a small child. She had also mentioned before that her parents weren't in good terms with each other. It's highly likely that Iris Long was already a born genius but because of her family situation and her own selfish attitude, she began rebelling to gain more attention and love from her parents. In this case, her rebellion was her form of defence mechanism in dealing with her family situation. Her rebellion masked her genius," a guest psychologist analyzed.

"So what you're saying is that Iris Long deliberately failed at school and pretended to be an idiot—please excuse my language—when she's really a genius just to get the attention of her parents? Isn't that too extreme?" the host asked.

"Yes, it is indeed extreme but it's actually very common among children of divorced parents. And we also need to take into account that the Longs are a wealthy family. Her father is the head of both the family and their business. I don't personally know Iris Long's parents, but I'm guessing that they were too busy with their own matters and careers to pay close attention to their daughter Iris Long. I'm guessing that even they had no idea that their own daughter is actually a born genius. I think it's quite sad, really."

The host nodded. "Then what could've prompted Iris Long to finally reveal that she's a genius all along? Can you explain it to us?"

"We all know that she got involved in that serious car accident—well, we shouldn't really call it an accident anymore because it had been already confirmed that it was attempted murder. That incident almost killed her, sending her into coma. Near-death experiences like that can really change people. After waking up from coma, I'm certain that she realized that life is precious so she began changing for the better. She stopped her rebellious attitude and behaviour, and is now finally beginning to embrace her real genius."

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Chapter 382 Baby - Making Skills

After this TV show aired, many believed the psychologist's analysis of Iris Long's situation to be the truth, especially the Black Stars who believed it 100%. They felt sorry for their Boss Iris when she was young. She had to resort to rebellion in order to demand attention from her divorced parents.

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