
Iris and Lu Zihao also greeted each other, feeling a little weird doing so. They didn't really celebrate this occasion in their past life before. But they liked it.

Iris distributed red packets to everyone. As usual, she was very generous. They were all delighted and profusely thanked her. The one who got the most from his red packet was Little Jun. Iris gave it to Jiang Ying Yue.

About half an hour later, Jin Liwei finally came home. He arrived at the same time with Long Hui who he met at the village entrance. Long Hui was stopped by the guards. He was about to call Iris to let him in when Jin Liwei noticed him.

Jin Liwei headed straight to his baby girl, embracing and kissing her. Then he turned to Lu Zihao.

"Thanks for accompanying Xiulan, Fifth Brother."

"Xiulan is my sister. This is only natural."

Jin Liwei nodded.

Long Hui hurried to Jiang Ying Yue and his son. He gently stroked Little Jun's head.

"Happy New Year, son," he whispered to him.

Jiang Ying Yue blinked rapidly, trying to control the emotions filling up her chest at seeing Long Hui. She was very surprised that he came.

"Happy New Year, Ying Yue," he greeted her next.

She cleared her throat before greeting him back. "Happy New Year. I didn't know that you were coming."

He kissed his son's forehead before sitting beside Jiang Ying Yue. She froze but forced herself to relax.

"I want to start this new year with my son...and with you," he told her in a soft voice.

She didn't know how to reply to his words.

"Did you watch the press conference?" he asked her.


"I meant everything that I said during the press conference. Ying Yue, I want to try again. Won't you give us another chance? Even if it's just for the sake of our son. Please?"

"Long Hui..." Her heart beat faster. Longing shone in her eyes, but then her brows scrunched together and she trembled. She frowned. "I don't..."

"Ying Yue, I love you."

She gasped and her eyes widened in surprise. "Oh."

"I know that I never told you this before. It's only when I lost you that I realized how much I love you. Ying Yue, please. Give us another chance, okay? I love you. I want to be with you and of course our son. I want us to be a complete family. Our Little Jun deserves a complete and happy family."

Her eyes quickly filled up with tears. Her mind was telling her to reject him but her heart was telling her to jump in his arms.

"Long Hui...can I...can I ask you a question first?"

"Of course. What is it?"

She took a few deep breaths before speaking again. "If...if I ask you to give up on your position as the heir of the Long family, would you do it for me and our son?"

"What?" He was taken aback by her question.

"Well, can you do it?"

He frowned, confused that she was asking him this. "Is this your condition?"

"No! I mean...I'm just asking. But I want to know your answer. What is it?"

"I'll choose you and our son," he said, looking at her directly in the eyes. "I've been groomed from a very young age to succeed my father as heir of the family and our business. It's also my life-long goal to continue my father's legacy and make the Longs prosper under my leadership. However, if it means losing my child and lover, I'd rather give it all up. If I lose you and our son, my life will lose its meaning."

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