First Meet

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Lev's POV (Age of Lev and Mai are 12)

Ugh my father keeps on telling me to do the gardening chore, "fine I'll do it" I said to my father and went outside I then started watering our vegetables and then I started hearing screams of a girl, I got up and try to see where the sound came from, I then started getting curious, I put on my cape and my hood on. I started following the screams. "LEAVE ME ALONE" I hid in the bushes to make sure no one saw me. What?! There were three boys and one girl. "Let tell you something foreign freak, you'll never be a person like us you'll always be the weird one." said the boy looking at the girl. "HEY, leave her alone!"

The boys looked at me mad. "OH, so you want a fight, don't you?" The boy in the middle said. The girl tried to stand up but one of the boys kicked her in the face. "My name is Joshua and is probably the last name you'll ever hear." He said, "My name is Lev another foreign freak, but this may the last you'll ever be fighting with someone." I spoke. "What's with weirdo?" said Joshua. I went and grabbed his throat with both hands. "You say that again or break all your bones and feed them to my dog." I said with the death stare. "O-ok cough I won't d-do it a-again I-I'm sorry" he said in fear.

"Don't say sorry to me say sorry to that girl that you all left injured." I spoke. They all went to the girl and bowed and said sorry. "It's okay, just don't do it." she said in a sweet voice. I went to her and said, "I'm sorry of what they done; I can take you to my place, I mean if you want to?" I said a little nervous. "Yeah, thanks my legs feel very weak, to go alone" I grabbed her from her waist and put her arm on one my right shoulder. I walked to my home and let her sit outside on our entrance stairs. I went inside and my dad asked me "who the f*** is outside at my porch?!" "Dad it's a girl who's been injured, I'm just going to use the first aid kit." I spoke. "I don't give a fing sht about that, that btch." He swore. "Dad, you swear too much." "I don't f**ing care." I ignored my dad and went outside.

"Hey umm did you hear my dad say you know umm curse words?" I asked her. SHe nodded worriedly. "Does your dad curse a lot?" she asked. I nodded and said, "he drinks a lot of vodka and that's what makes him drunk and mad easily." She nodded meaning like 'oh ok'. I waited for 10 seconds to talk again. "Hey umm does your parents fight or get drunk?" I asked her curiosly and nervously. She shook her head meaning no. "Do you have any siblings?" she asked. I nodded. "One littles sister, her name's Galina, and now that I mentioned, name's Lev." I spoke. "My name's my I have 4 siblings." We both shook hands.

Mai's POV

"Let me guess you're Russian." I said. "Oh, uh y-yeah" he said embarrassed. "Well, I'm Japanese, hajimemashite roshia (nice to meet you, Russian)" I said. Then he said something that shocked me. "*roshiago ga wakarimasu ka? (*Do you understand Russian?)" He said that with the hottest voice I've ever heard. "How do you know Japanese!?" I asked him "I started learning Japanese and I sorta want to go to Japan." he said. I got closer to his face. "Well guess what?" "What?" he asked. "ya ponimayu russkiy.(I do understand Russian)" He looked shocked as well. "Wow, I'm speechless" he said.

I then remembered that I must be home at 2:00 o clock, "Hey do you know what time it is?" I asked Lev. "Umm its 1:57" he said "shoot I need go now" I said in a hurry trying to stand up and I fell. "Wait what are you supposed to go somewhere?" Lev asked. "Yeah, I got to go home, or my mom will ground me for a week stuck in my room, just because I was not babysitting my little sisters and my little brother." I answered. "D*mn that's harsh" Lev said. "Yeah it's cause my-my umm never mind" "What what is it?" He asked worriedly. "Just take me home please."

He helped me get home and when we got at the front door, I could tell the surprise in his eyes, when he saw my house. "Yes I was born in the richest the town" I said. He took me inside and my parents looked at me shocked. "Oh my god, Mai are you alright?" My mom came worriedly, as she saw my injuries. "You Who are YOU?!" My dad said mad. "I'm Lev and I did not cause any trouble." lev said calmly. "Then WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY DAUGHTER!?" My dad screamed. "I just helped your daughter get here since of her leg injury." Lev said seriously and calmly. My dad took a deep breath and said "who injured my daughter then?" "A group of boys and I'm pretty sure their group leader was Joshua" Lev said. "That idiot!" My dad said frustrated.

Then Lev said "Umm I gotta go-" "No son stay here." My dad said. "Why?" Lev asked. "I know your father and he's going uncontrollably mad, I need you to stay here, he can kill you." My dad scared. Lev looked at him, and said worriedly "my sister is still there!" "No your sister is with your mother, don't make excuses." He said. I could tell Lev knew that his sister was with his mother.

Lev, then helped me get upstairs to my room. He then let me sit in my bet while he sat on the floor. "Hey...Lev, you okay?" "Yeah I know that my papa's a killer but I never thought I he would be drunk while killing, which could kill me." He sad putting his head on his arms while his arms on his knees. "Hey may I see your phone again?" He looked up at me and a few seconds later he lend his phone and let me look at it. Cracks almost the whole screen, small, and barely works. I then tried to walk to the place where I had bags of surprises for whoever is kind enough and helps.

"Hey, HEY!" He said. I then slipped and I felt arms wrapping around my waist. I didn't fell on the floor instead on top of Lev. My face started burning. We both got up, but sitting the floor. "Hey you okay?" He said worried. I responded while blushing "Umm y-yeah are you okay?" He nodded. I then crawled to the white bags I kept in my closet and gave one to him. "What's this for?" he asked. I responded "It's for your kindness."

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