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"fat lady"

Professor mcgonagall said no.

Of course she did, all four of the best friends knew she wouldnt agree to letting harry go to hogsmeade without an actual guardian signing his slip. But they had tried their hardest to hold out hope, just for it to be crushed by one word.

Stell, ron, and hermione stand in front of harry sadly. "Were sorry you cant go, harry. We tried." Hermione says, frowning slightly."

"Dont worry about it. Ill be fine here you guys," says harry, looking at each one of them individually, his gaze lingering the slightest bit on stella for a second longer. She bites her lip. "And youre sure you dont want me to stay? Because i will! Ill stay here with you harry, so you wont be alone, and-"

Harry cuts her off by grabbing her arm gently. "Stella! Yes, im fine. You guys go have fun." He says with a smile on his face that stella could easily tell was fake. He turns away and walks back through the castle, probably going bakc to his dorm. Stella pursed her lips. It made her sad to know that harry thought he had to fake for his friends.


Stella dumped six full bags of candy from honeydukes into harrys lap. "They wouldnt let me get more," she says grumpily. Ron and hermione also put two more bags on the side of the raven haired boy with the shocked face.

"Merlin, stella, did you try to buy out the whole store?!" Harry exclaims loudly, causing other gryffindors to turn around and stare. Harry turned slightly red.

Stella rolled her eyes. "Well, i tried." Rons eyes widened and he nodded from beside her to harry, causing stella to hit him on the back of his head.

Hermione tries her hardest to hold in her smile. "We tried to get one if everything for you- well, ron and i did. Stella got four of everything." The bushy haired girl says with a smirk.

"Well, hogsmeade was wonderful, harry! I wish you could have went. We went to borgins and burkes, and then to the three broomsticks, and of course, to-" hermione cut the rambling girl off by covering her mouth with her hand. "Yes stella, we went everywhere. Now, harry, did you get any work done?"hermione asked the green eyed boy.

"Well, um... no,  not really. Professor lupin made me some tea, and then snape came in..." harry mumbles, digging through the huge bags of candy and pulling out a chocolate frog.

"Wait, wait, wait, snape? Came into lupina office? Why?" The diggory girl says, prying hermiones gentle fingers off her lips.

"He came in and gave lupin some kind of drink, and lupin actually drank it! It must have been poison though!"

The quartet continued their talk about the professors all throughout their walk to the feast.

As they sat down at the gryffindor table, hermione frowned slightly.  "We can talk about this later. Lets just enjoy the feast for now," the girl says. The other three best friends agree, and try to push out thoughts of lupin and snape and eat their feast in peace.


As the group of four friends walk and laugh going up the stairs towards their common room, they come to a stop at the fat lady, where a ginormous crowd of gryffindors are piled around the painting of the fat lady. "Whats going on?" Stella whispers quietly from bext to harry. He shrugs, a frown etching onto his face.

"Excuse me, make way, head boy here! Watch out children!" The weasley boy shoves through the crowd, knocking stella into harry and almost making her fall if harry hadnt wrapped his arms around the small girls waist. She blushed slightly, whispering her thanks to him as she stood up on her tiptoes, trying to get a view of percy or the fat ladys painting.

Stella hears another voice trying to shove through the crowd of scared and confused gryffindors. "Excuse me children, please let me through," dumbledore says calmly. "What happened, percy?"

Stella could barely see the top of percys face over the crowd due to her short frame. But she could still make out his shocked face when he says, "the fat lady is missing!"


yay!!! Chapter two done!!
716 words
Shorter chapter than usual, but i really just needed to get this out, im literally on the school bus posting this...


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