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"scaredy cat"

"wake up, please, ms diggory!" professor mcgonagall snaps while knocking on stellas desk. Her head shoots up, thin, chesnut colored hairs sticking out on her forehead and the slightest bit of drool on the edge of her full lips. Hermione rolls her eyes and whispers under her breath, "told you to not stay up late reading last night..." stella shoots her a glare out of the corner of her eye and then turns back to the professor with narrowed eyes standing in front of her.

"Sorry, professor, wont happen again miss." stella uttered, trying her hardest not to look at harry and ron from across the room, being able to hear their snickering from across the class. Mcgonagall slowly shakes her head and walks back to the front of the class to resume her lesson.

Stella slinks down into her chair from embarrassment. Looking to her right, hermione purses her lips and tries to hide a smile. "Oh, be quiet, mione. Yes, i know you were right," the blue eyed girl sighed to her friend in defeat. "Whatever."

"Bold of you to assume i was looking at you because of that," hermione whispers back to the girl, glancing to the other side of the classroom where their other two best friends sit. "Harry wont quit looking over here at you."

Stella snaps her neck to her right and instantly makes eye contact with harry, who sputters and quickly looks away, trying his hardest to hide his blush. Stellas eyes widen of their own accord, her own blush spreading across her freckled face and looks away, picking at a frayed hem on her shirt.

Okay, so maybe stella had the teensiest, tiniest, insignificant little crush on the chosen one. But, honestly, who doesnt? His bravery is admired by all and his looks arent all that bad either, with his bright, gleaming emerald eyes, and his...

Stella had to stop herself before that thought progressed even further. This was her best friend, she remembered. She couldnt crush on him, that would just ruin their entire friendship if that small little secret came out. Stella took a deep breath before trying to dispell all thoughts surrounding harry and focusing back on the lesson. She got so into the lesson, though, that she didnt notice a pair of green eyes on the other side of the classroom, steady observing her.


At dinner that very same night, the group of four sat at the gryffindor table discussing the upcoming hogsmeade visit. Harry most likely would not be able to go, unless professor mcgonagall agreed to sign his slip.

   "Harry, if professor mcgonagall doesnt let you go, i can always stay here with you. We wont leave you alone." Stella says, looking at him with slight pity visible in her expression. Ron and hermione nod along with the girl.

    Harry shakes his head in disagreement. "I wont make you guys do that. Ill be fine, you guys can go have fun. I wont force you to stay here just because I cant go."

stella sighs. "What class do we have now?" She says, looking around at her other three friends. Hermione looks at her time table, and shows the girl. "Defense against dark arts, professor lupin."


as the group of four walked into the classroom, professor lupin smiled at them and walked over. "Ah, hello harry. How do you feel? No more dementor encounters?"

Harry blushed from pure embarrassment. Stella pursed her lips. She knew harry didnt like people bringing up what happened on the hogwarts express coming to the school. He had passed out from fear, and draco, the annoying nitwit he is, will not let him live it down as if he didnt run into the twins compartment screaming. "N-no sir." Harry answered the kind professor.

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