
Start from the beginning

I stared at him for a second debating it but i trusted him for some reason. I slowly made my way towards him before running into his arms while sobbing.

He held me and slowly picked me up. Though I didn't mind, I was to tired and to weak to fight back anymore. Eventually i fell asleep on his shoulder.

Glenn's point of view
I slowly made my way back to the prison with the poor girl in my arms. I felt so bad for her i mean she looks so young and i cant even imagine what she has been through. She can't be any older than maybe 8 or 9. I thought to myself as I continued walking back to the prison.

I arrived at the prison and yelled for carl to let me in, "CARL OPEN THE GATE!" But i stopped talking once i felt the little body in my arms flinch at the noise.

She went to sit up and started to panic so i put my hand on the back of her head and told her it was okay. She laid her head on my shoulder once more but she was now wide awake.

Carl opened the gate then closing it once i was inside. He followed me as he looked at me with confusion, his face pleading for answers "i'll explain later" i said pretty quietly so i didn't bother the girl in my arms.

I began walking up to our cell block to get hershel so he could check up on her and make sure she was ok but i felt her go limp as she fell back asleep on my shoulder. Poor kid must be exhausted.


I made it to the cell block and found hershel and then told carl to get me maggie. I figured she might be more comfortable having another girl in the room if she woke up.

I laid her down on a bed in the empty cell we use as our infirmary room with hershel next to me "how old is she?" He asked me as we stood there "no idea i found her on my way back and now she wont say anything ." I said not wanting to bring up anything but hershel asked about what happened so i explained everything.

Hershel spoke up "poor girl must be terrified"  "ya i dont blame her " i said as maggie walked in "carl said you needed m-" she started to speak until she seen the girl "omg." is all she could say and i explained why i needed her and what happened. Hershel asked me to go get him some stuff but since i just got back from a run i had everything with me.

He went to go feel her temperature to make sure she didn't have a  fever but the second his hand touched her head she woke up and backed up into the corner of the bed.

Violet's point of view
I felt someone touch my head which made me shoot up awake.

I quickly backed away from the unfamiliar face and looked around seeing Glenn and a girl as well as the unfamiliar guys face in front of me. Glenn came over to me to comfort me "hey its ok, this is hershel our doctor and his daughter. I Figured you would be more comfortable with another girl here." he said, and he was right, her being here helped calm me down a bit but i watched as she started walking over and knelt down beside the bed i was on.

"hey, im maggie, i dont mean to scare ya or anything" she said with a pretty thick southern accent.

I just stared back at her and nodded to scared to say anything. Glenn came and kneeled by the bed and I almost instantly crawled over wrapping my arms around his neck, he stood up and i wrapped my legs around his waist.

I only felt comfortable and safe with Glenn.But I never let my guard down. The feeling of someone laying their hand on my back caused me to flinch and them move there hand. I turned my head and seen maggie and then I felt kinda bad, "hey sorry it's just me" maggie informed "sorry" i mumbled and looking down at the ground "no it's ok hun, why don't we go get you showered and cleaned up." i nodded as I leaned over showing i wanted to be passed to maggie.

I would've walked but i didn't have the strength to at the moment and i felt kinda bad about it since they are just carrying me around. But at the same time it makes me feel useless and i hate it.

Maggie walked over to what i assumed was the shower room and set me down on a bench "i will be right back im gonna go get you some new clothes, ok?" I nodded and she walked away to go get the clothes.

She came back a few minutes later with some neatly folded clothes a towel and stuff to wash my hair. She set them on the bench next to me and went to walk out to let me shower but I stopped her "maggie wait." I said quietly but loud enough she heard me and turned around "whats up is everything ok?" i nodded before speaking again " c-could you help me i can't really stand on my own right now and i-" she cut me off with a light chuckle before answering me "of course hunny you don't need to explain" she said as she walked over to the shower and turned it on.

She walked back to me and i flinched a little as she put her hand out "hey hey dont be scared i wont hurt ya. now do you want help getting you clothes off or do you got it?" i looked at her for a second before i decided on what to say "could you help me please" i said in almost a whisper. She nodded and slowly helped me get undressed but paused once my shirt was off. I had my arms folded over my bruised and scabbed chest to cover myself a little before maggie asked me a question, "hey hun how uhm how old are you?" i thought for a moment trying to remember "uhm.. 12." i said and she looked shocked. "One sec let me go grab something ok?" i nodded and she left and came back with a bra for me then continue'd to help me get undressed not even bothering to mention all my cuts and bruises that painted purple-ish blues with some black or greenish yellows and multiple shades of red cuts and scars or scrapes. I was sitting in the shower with maggie washing my hair and I wont lie it felt great. Feeling all of the dirt, blood and grime wash off of me. I haven't showered in forever, years maybe.

I could tell maggie was looking at all of my cuts, scars and bruises but didn't question them.

Once i was cleaned off and dressed she carried me back to the infirmary room where hershel cleaned up all of my wounds except the ones on my chest which maggie had to check on asking about each one and checked to make sure nothing else was wrong.

I only told him how i got a few of my colorful markings and telling him I didn't want to talk about some others.

I flinched when he touched my sides, not just because it scared me but because it hurt like hell. I couldn't remember what exactly happened all i know is I was kicked and then blacked out due to the pain and the wind getting knocked out of me. I felt upset after remembering things from that horrible place and those horrible people but i didn't think the kick was hard enough to do a lot of damage, maybe some bruising but thats simple easy stuff to take care of.

As I was sitting on the bed in pain wondering why it hurt so much when hershel would touch my side until he said i had a cracked rib. What?  I was confused and it obviously showed on my face, "Do you know how you may have cracked it? Maybe falling on something or something getting thrown?" I sat there trying to remember anything other than them kicking and punching me in the sides "could it happen from getting kicked or possibly punched hard enough?" I responded in a whisper surprised he heard me due to how quiet i had spoken. I look at hershel after he cleared his throat, "ya it most definitely could." he responded with a sympathetic tone and looking at the ground until he heard my voice "then my guess is it would he from that since thats all i can really think of." I spoke louder this time and he just responded with a nod and a reassuring smile then fixed my side up by wrapping a bandage around it. I gave him a slight smile, a genuine smile though.

I have a good feeling about this place, and i'm glad i was rescued.

Heyy! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and i hope you like the rest of what i have in mind for this book!
word count : 2347
including all the bold text^

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