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Thank you to VERYSiLLYKiTTiES

Q1:*Catnap sits silently as the clock ticks*

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*Catnap sits silently as the clock ticks*


*Catnap rises*
*He walks into the playhouse*
*down below*

H E   W A I T S   B E L O W.

W E   P R A I S E   T H E   O R I G I N A L

Dogday: I like to go on walks when it's sunny out! I just like the feeling of the outdoors!

Kicken: y'know, maybe we could see the REAL outdoors if you would just come with me Hoppy!

Dogday: no! We were given strict rules not to leave the playcare!

Kicken: yeah, well, I wouldn't trust anything those employees say!

Dogday: ugh. *to himself* what is his problem?

Bubba: I like to learn about mathematics! I find it quite relaxing!

Kicken: nerd!

Bubba: Kicken, what is one plus two?

Kicken: uhh... carrot?

Bubba: exactly.

Kicken: I like to play football. Y'know, the named me Kicken for a reason!

Picky: I like to bake apple pie! It's just SOOOOO delicious!

Crafty: well, people can draw whatever they like, but I would recommend drawing flowers!

Bobby: I love to hug my friends! It helps make them happy, and I'll do anything to make my friends happy!

Hoppy: I can jump so high, I can almost jump over Dogday's house! He's never too happy when I land on his roof though...

Crafty: w-well... I kinda like Bobby-
Kicken: WOAH WOAH WOAH- why don't Catnap and Dogday have to answer this?!?
Bubba: somebody needs to pay more attention.
Kicken: y'know, what's your crush, Bubba?
Bubba: it's Picky, we've established this.
Crafty: who's your crush, Kicken?
Kicken: I don't have one, because crushes are stupid.
Crafty: is it Hoppy?
Kicken: *totally not blushing* W-WHAT?!? N-NO!!
Bubba: ugh. Those two are in desperate need of education.

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