Chapter 2

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I arrow him to get in the car as i try to hide my smile. We drive  to the dorms and i find out he is my neighbor. As i drop him off I see he forgot his sweater i get out in the mild cold weather to give him his sweater and then follow him to the lift i call out to him to give it to him but i see a third person

"do you know him?" I ask "no" he whispers, i grab his hand and i keep my pepper spray in the other, then we enter the lift. I arrow him to stay calm until the person does something the suddenly pulls something,i get my pepper spray ready "hands up" he yells i pull out my pepper spray and i spray a whiff of it on him he yells so loud the dorm could hear it probably

Our floor comes and we quickly enter his dorm we start gasping for air as we slide down the door I laugh "haha" he looks at me crazy "this was the first time i did something like this" i say and looks at the peephole of the dorm room to see if he went

"Can you call your dorm master" i say while letting out a big sigh. He nods as he takes his phone to dial his dorm master's number then beomgyu comes from nowhere

"Hyung why are you up this late?" He says in a tired voice as he rubs his eyes, then he looks up at me and shouts "ahh yeonjun hyung has a girlfriend" and i get scared for a second as yeonjun tries to calm him down "she isn't even my friend" he says as look at him like I'm about to kill him

"Ok, ok crystal calm down" i mentally tell myself as i explain who i am to yeonjun, how i met him and why i was there when beomgyu finally understands he tells me to stay but i refuse as soha was still in the car. "Then i'll see you off" yeonjun says with a soft voice which literally gave me butterflies i nod and we leave

(ok i  read the chapters over and over again to see if there was any mistake with the storyline or misspelled words and now i'm realising that the the 2nd and 3rd  chapters were way too small, this is just general knowledge of the story not a spoiler but upcoming parts will be bigger. )

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