A new world

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South Korea, Seoul
On a train like any other where strangers meet in their daily lives and among those people was a thin man with black hair and eyes who, after meeting and talking with a co-worker, turned his attention to his cell phone where he was reading with mixed emotions the last chapter of his favorite novel called "Three ways to survive in a world in ruins", after receiving the message from the author giving him a gift, he was thoughtful when suddenly the train stopped and the lights went out.
In car 3607 moments before, there was a person who seemed invisible to the eyes of the rest since no one noticed his sudden appearance, nor his clothing that was out of place with the time in addition to a cloak that was black on the outside and yellow on the inside. inside that covered his head, possibly why it is an item that cannot be seen by human eyes and the concealing qualities of it, since this being that at first glance looks like a human gave off a mysterious aura that was not easy to approach, With a tired and cold look he looked at this nostalgic but at the same time unknown place, after analyzing the situation in which he found himself; this being who a few moments ago was in a fight not to lose himself and receive the shock that he was not as simple as he seemed since he had already gone through that battle thousands of times and had lived longer than he believed being an angel in the first and second time, but instantly he understood something that made him imperceptibly curve his lips, 'this could be an opportunity to break that incessant cycle'
Although as quickly as he came to such a thought his "expression" returned to normal showing that there were now more important things to consider. [It seems like I can never be given a break]
Furthermore, the being had been trying to obtain information from the spiritual world for a long time but he found that it is something different, basically there is no spiritual world but he can still obtain information from the star stream. [then the name of this world is omniscient reader] after obtaining more information that allowed him to understand that a catastrophe would soon occur, he also realized that he was still a half-pillar. There were only 10 minutes left until the start of what Klein predicted would be the apocalypse for this world, so he tried to go through the gray fog after seeing that since he arrived nothing had happened or feeling any gaze, he was still cautious and alone He climbed with his spiritual body above the gray fog to avoid any prying eyes without raising more suspicions; After being on the Fool's seat he reclined and after thinking about his options and verifying the use of fog within this world he decided that he would have to be cautious since if he used it frequently it could cause a link with his world and bring danger to this world, especially the Mother of Depravity who was an incomplete pillar and would use any method to crush it and gain power if she found out about its current location (since the tarot club would occupy it for each month's meetings forming this world). space is in two universes at the same time, being able to go from Lotm to Orv). Another aspect that he realized is that this new world seemed to help him rediscover his human emotions, although not as intensely as he used to feel them, since the fatigue that seemed to be engraved on his being did not help much, he also seemed to look at others like chess pieces. Due to the influence of its sequence and the essence of it, this reaffirmed what it meant to become a pillar that would still continue fighting against the danger and madness that little by little would make him lose more humanity until the madness of losing oneself. If he was not careful, he would take advantage of this opportunity to reaffirm his humanity [for all beyonders it is the same danger we face, whether it is low sequences to a pillar itself, we will never be able to let our guard down]. Furthermore, even if he wanted to leave, his spiritual intuition warned him not to do so.
[I did not imagine that it would be this way that I would see the world that I missed so much] that was the first impression he had after understanding his circumstances, while he transformed his cloak into a modern suit with a sweater with a diamond print, (only He used concealment to make them look like normal objects and imposing a restriction to use them at necessary times because two of them had not yet assimilated with him; he transformed them, the path of the apprentice into the left black glove, the path of the marauder into some normal, slightly wide black glasses and finally the one on the path of the fortune teller in a dige, he did not want someone to take advantage of his absence in Sefira Castle and take them over, in addition to removing the projection of creeping hunger) since he had decided what would be his next role to act (it should be noted that the information he managed to obtain is limited to the name of the world, what will happen in general, how it will begin and why the apocalypse, that is, superficially the story system, those who are up in the chain of command but do not specifically have detailed information about each correlation and do not know what each test is about, they still need to understand the system in depth in this world, but they will soon) [well, people ignore people weak but it is also against those who lower their guard, it will be a good remedy to try to recover more humanity than if I act haughty and arrogant, that will only be a double-edged sword, to think that it will be like the days in Tingen but more regrettable]
Klein had already designed the new character to act in a way that would allow him to go unnoticed but not so weak that he wouldn't be treated like a slave. [I have always acted like a person who excels in intelligence, strength or status except for the first time I woke up in a "new world", how ironic that history repeats itself]. (the above took a few seconds)
Now standing in a corner of the carriage, he looked around, analyzing and remembering what life was like in modern days, only a few had noticed the man with foreign features but without an outstanding appearance like just another civilian but the type that looked like he was a marginalized, by the glasses and the boring office worker clothes he was wearing in addition to the posture that reflected that he was shy and lacked a little self-esteem (he changed his clothes using the recreation of her with his powers, now he was wearing black dress pants, black leather shoes, a shirt with a plaid vest and an open black jacket).
POV student Min Ji-woo
She is a 17-year-old third-year "high school" student, with an attractive appearance with light brown hair and big brown eyes and thin, healthy pink lips with porcelain-white skin, who because of her uniform studies in a privileged school since her family She is well established, since her mother is a manager of a clothing branch and her father is a hotel supervisor, which has meant that until now she has been able to get what she wanted without much effort thanks to her parents, but suddenly one day when she arrived at home after being suspended from school for her behavior, her parents, dissatisfied and tired of the same situation, confiscated her cards and took away the privileges they had given her, so that she would appreciate the value of things, even though they knew that they themselves did not educate her. pampering her well until now, so today when she returned to school she had to come by public transportation.
[Finally I will be able to buy the bag that I have wanted so much, I had to work so hard for it all because my parents wanted me to appreciate the work it cost].
Looking around with a little displeasure in his expression when he found that he really couldn't get used to going in such a small place with so many passengers on board, he just happened to see a man of approximately 25 years old in a corner who in his In words, he looked like someone pitiful and pathetic who, when they exchanged glances, the other quickly looked away nervously [nowadays there are many weirdos out there, who can't even look at a person properly], she looked away in disgust. What I didn't know is that this was calculated by the man himself.
In another secluded part of the carriage not far from where Klein was, there was a young man of at least 16 years old. He looked completely disheveled with a gloomy appearance. After being pushed by other students, he collided with Klein and dropped the books he was carrying. He held in his hands that, apparently accustomed to this type of situation, he let out a tired sigh.

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