The agony of the angel

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After accepting his "fate" Tier (Zhou Mingrui), he drank a strange looking liquid that didn't really taste good when he tasted it, he was instantly surrounded by a few guards who would not hesitate to end his life if he started to behave strangely. , and in fact it only took a few seconds for Tier to feel that something was wrong since everything around him seemed abstract and confusing, above all he saw some colored lights [I guess I really died and this is the afterlife], but after Looking more closely around him, he realized that he was still in the same cave and the people around him were paying attention to his every movement, but soon Tier began to scream desperately in pain, because he was seeing something horrible behind a old man in particular, this made him feel anxious because all this time he felt his mental state was getting worse as he listened to someone's crazy ravings and he couldn't control it, he was suffering great pain causing his eyes to bleed before finally falling to the ground. ground, then seeing this a guard approached slowly checking that he was still breathing.
For a moment everything was black around him, apparently he was in dreamland after fainting but instantly his surroundings changed and he heard the crazy ravings again that caused him so much pain that he wanted to kill himself to get rid of them, that's when Little by little he stopped listening to them and realized that he was surrounded by gray fog that seemed to have no end. When he found it strange, he looked around without finding anything unusual besides the fog with many points that looked like red stars. He returned to the thought that maybe Maybe now he was dead, after wandering for a while he found a blanket wrapped with some strange objects that looked like parts of monsters but what surprised him was finding instructions in traditional Chinese, this puzzled him and after making the connection he assumed that those strange objects They were the ingredients mentioned in the instructions, in addition to having some other information such as: digestion and care for a beginner (spiritual vision) (since who planned that did not want him to become a monster so quickly for not knowing this type of information), but only that so Tier without any other option decided to pay attention to them, after a while he began to understand how to get out of that place, then when simulating a fall he returned to the same body but realized that he had many stabs in the chest and head that were soon recovering, plus he was stranded far from the underground cave, [they have to get rid of hidden dangers], after getting up he saw that monsters were approaching so he quickly went to hide. Now I had a new reason for living, which was to discover what had happened and why I was in the body of the man called Tier [really just a few moments ago I was resigned to dying and now look at me here hiding from the monsters so they don't kill me], Despite thinking that, in reality it was not possible for him to have the desire to live so quickly but there was no option, so for the next few years he concentrated on becoming stronger and stabilizing his mental state because it was dangerous if he succumbed to madness. that it was really difficult to advance in a world like that, it was like playing a video game but in expert mode being just a beginner.
[It has been 9 years since I took this body], currently Tier was already in sequence two a summoner of miracles, during that time among some domains of the different races rumors were circulating about this rare and mysterious creature that they did not imagine was a human.
POV.Zhou Mingrui
Hundreds or thousands of years have passed, I no longer remember and I have also died and come back to life several times because I often get into trouble with others but especially with demonic wolves, I feel as if it were something irresistible; It has really been hard to get information about why the world has ended this way after all, there are no records and all that can be known is something that is passed from mouth to mouth to each generation, in addition to the "gods" who exploit humans have become crazier, how ironic to discover that some or all of them seem to come from humans who became monsters and formed a new species over time and now torment humans, now that makes it difficult for me to complete the ritual to ascend to the next stage.
It's becoming dangerous for me to move forward, I feel like my mind is wearing out and as time goes by I'm getting lost.
Another hundreds or thousands of years have passed and my perception of time has been broken, I really sometimes feel that I am not myself, as if something inside me was taking over my being with great force.
I am exhausted although I have finally managed to ascend (in this case Zhou Mingrui, as he ascended, lost control over Sefira Castle because Tianzu has more control because the barrier is not weakened so his will is stronger), but It seems that it is not yet the end of humanity since its savior has appeared.
Thus the years passed and after brief encounters with the being who called himself the Ancient Sun God, I found companionship with him since we were both from the same time, I called myself Mysteries to be able to digest the potion.
When the Ancient Sun God was defeating the "gods" he was forging his entourage of followers, but he behaved friendly with me and shared his knowledge with me so that was when I finally knew the truth behind this curtain of mystery then knowing that the The being that wanted to wake up and revive in me was the one I remember praying to before waking up in this body. It scared me, but since I had already come this far, I wouldn't want it to do whatever it wanted with me, not after knowing that everything I was doing was planned. for him.
So it took me a few years to make a backup plan in case my ascension to true god failed, knowing that it was the most likely thing to happen and before I knew it, the Ancient Sun God found himself in a similar problem but he realized. early so I was hoping he would make it.
In the end I truly died, having the Ancient Sun God strip me of special characteristics and briefly severing my connection to the space above the gray mist. to not let the being that had planned everything revive but thanks to the emergency plan that I prepared in advance my soul recovered and returned to the cocoon before letting another soul come out of its cocoon. Also one of the preparations was to ask the Ancient Sun God for an exchange about something he wanted from me in exchange for the fact that if there was a next time he would ensure that the plans that the being I wanted to revive had were not successful, we did this through a contract that would enforce what was agreed.
Thus waiting to be released again to find a better opportunity if the opportunity arose. Although to avoid causing unnecessary problems such as an early death due to the corruption that would be caused if my future self who would start again as a beginner knew all the knowledge that I have accumulated through these thousands of years that I have lived I have sealed these memories. I just hope I can make it next time and maybe find a reason to live.
Note: I do not go into detail to advance to the real plot that is the crossover. There is still more context missing from the current Klein of the fifth era.

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