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At the great hall, you waved to the Gryffindor table with the Weasleys happily, a bright smile on your face. Hogwarts was the same as it was last year- honestly, it seemed to be much brighter. You knew most of the students already, so you were prepared to see friendly faces besides the Weasleys, greeting you.

The grand doors swung open, and McGonagall walked in with her confident stride, with the first years following behind her. Your eyes scanned the group for a girl with bright red hair and it wasn't hard to find her.

Ginny was in the middle of the group, looking over to the Gryffindor table, trying to find her brothers. She made eye contact with Fred first, it seemed, and he nudged George's shoulder. Both the boys waved at her with a smile, and yelled, "You better be Gryffindor!"

She smiled, but quickly looked away. You imagined the pressure could be getting to her. Although, you doubted she wouldn't be Gryffindor. She was Ginny Weasley for goodness sake. Yes, she was shy, but she was the bravest girl you knew.

McGonagall explained the ceremony to the children, and you all watched as multiple kids got sorted, clapping whenever they got sorted and scurried excitedly to their houses table. There were few kids you knew in this group; only Ginny, of course, and Luna Lovegood, who lived near the Weasleys'. You'd met her father but not her. It wasn't hard to figure out she was his daughter in the crowd though.

"Luna Lovegood!" McGonagall called.

The girl walked over, a slight skip in her step. She sat down, and the hat was placed on her head. It didn't take long for it to call out: "Ravenclaw!"

Quite a few names later, and a nervous Ginny was making her way to the stool. You saw her knee shake nervously as she waited for the sorting hat to call her name. As expected with a Weasley, it wasn't long before the sorting hat called out: "Gryffindor!"

The clapping felt louder for Ginny Weasley, probably because of her brothers sitting proudly at the table. And the rest of the Gryffindor table, who knew the Weasleys' very well, probably felt a bit of the same sense of pride.

You shouldn't be biased as a teacher, but you did clap a bit more enthusiastically for her.

The sorting finished up with the last child, the most nervous of everyone else, understandably.

You sighed, feeling content. Children chattered excitedly amongst themselves, not as loudly as they would during the feast. First years wiped their hands against their robes, sorted into these houses they knew little about.

Dumbledore sat up, and quickly the kids went quiet. "Welcome! Welcome to the new students and to the old! Let's hope we have a good year at Hogwarts this year! Before we begin the feast, I would like to introduce a new teacher of yours, who will be remembered as a good friend to many of our older students. Professor L/N, here," you smiled awkwardly. "Will be taking our empty muggle studies position this year, so let us give a warm welcome to her, as she makes her early return to Hogwarts."

Everyone in the room clapped, and some of the students you already knew cheered loudly. You chuckled, but quickly bit back your smile. Professionalism. That was important.

He later went on to introduce Golderoy Lockhart, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

As the meals appeared before the teachers and students, the talk began to rise up amongst the people in the hall. "It's lovely to have you here with us, Y/N," Professor Sprout smiled.

"Lovely to be back Professor," you grinned back. "I missed this place. Being away a year was horrid."

"I'm glad you made the decision to join us," McGonagall joined in. "You were always quite the student."

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