"You looked so fucking beautiful in that dress, it was hard to focus on the wedding."

"Nick, are you serious right now? This is u-"

"Shhh. You look better without the dress though. Here's what we're gonna do....."
He walks around and sits on the bed behind me. ".... You are going to remove that thong and stand in your place and I am going to watch you." His gravel voice sends a shiver down my spine as I nod slowly. I slowly tug on my thong and rip it off my body.


Hayley looks like a goddess. So fucking beautiful. So fucking perfect. Her skin glows under the light, making her curves look even more beautiful. Her hazel eyes are shining and her perfectly pink lips are parted. Her moon necklace reflects the light falling on it and her breasts - they're made to fit in my palms. Her beautiful stomach shows a hint of ab lines as she's been working out with me, in the gym and in our bed. Her arms hover around her hip, covering it. I move my gaze lower- fuck- she's dripping wet for me. I control myself and look lower. Her perfect legs are covered in goosebumps. I move back to her face and give her a once over again. And again. And again. I devour her with my eyes- taking her in. So fucking beautiful. So fucking mine. Her hands start shaking a little when I stand up and walk towards her. I tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear and leaning to press a kiss on her moon tattoo I whisper, "You're so perfect, Moon."
I move my lips to hers and trace the outline of her lips with my tongue.
"Why don't you see it? You're perfect." I say sliding my hands up her stomach.

She shivers under my touch and says, "Wh-what do you mean?"

I gently hold her by her wrists and I press my forehead to hers and say, "You think I don't notice, Moon?" 
She gasps when I lock her hands behind her back and press my lips under her chin and start to slide them down her body. I slowly kneel as I my lips move down her stomach. My face is right in front of her clit when I'm on my knees. She starts to bring her arms over her hips again but I don't let her,
"Hands. Back." My voice is so hoarse, her hands shake as she locks them behind her back again. I place my hand on her hip-dips and whisper, "Fucking gorgeous."

Her voice is shaky with a hint of sadness in it when she starts saying, "Nick. You don't have t-"

"Shhh." I press kisses on her hip-dips one by one whispering ‘Perfect’, ‘Beautiful’, ‘Gorgeous’. I'll repeat it till she believes it- however long it takes. I feel  something wet on my neck. Water? Tears. I shoot my head up to find tears streaming down her cheeks. I stand up and cup her face in my hands wiping her tears with my thumb.

"Nick. How do you always know? H-how do y-" She sighs heavily.

"It doesn't take a genius to figure out baby. Since the first time I saw you naked, you have been trying to hide your hips from me at every chance. And, you told me that that bastard Dave made you feel they were......ugly. " I say gently stroking her cheeks.

"Do you think they are u-"
I know what she's going to ask so I don't let her complete. "Of course not, Moon. You want to know what I think?" I ask softly.

She nods and I continue, "I think that everything about you is perfect. Nothing about you is even near ugly. And your hip dips, they are made for"- I move my hands to her hips and start circle my fingers around them.-
"My hands and my lips. Your hip dips are made so that they fit my hands perfectly and cover my lips when I kiss them." I move my hands back up to cup her face.
You are mine. And everything that is mine is flawless. You are flawless."

"Really?" She whispers. Her voice is so low I could hardly hear it.

"As real as the moon." I press my lips to her forehead.
“I love you, Moon. Even the parts that you don't love. I love them enough for the both of us.”

She gives me the tiniest smile and says, "I don't deserve you, Nick."

"Trust me baby, it's the other way round."

"I love you." She says softly and before I can answer her she takes my lips in hers and kisses me like I'm she's drowning and I'm her lifeline.


Hi guysss!! I'm so overwhelmed with the love I've gotten for this book. I can't thank you all enough. It took months to reach just 177 reads and now we're near 17K in around a week. Thank you so so sooo much readers for loving Nick, Hayley and their story. I hope you enjoy this little bonus scene, a small snippet of their love. I hope you love it! Thank you all so much again!

Find me Instagram: @authorraina

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