"Si-ya !...enough now ... Go and sleep, I'll be back soon !" Said hoseok and left from there

"Is that boy actually cute?" Asked hoseok's mother to her daughter

"Yes mom ... You should meet him ... he'll like you for sure and you'll love him for sure too!" Said si-ya excitedly

"Hmm , I'll try to meet him" said hoseok's mother smiling too
In yoongi's house

Hoseok's pov

As I entered their home it was so dark pitch inside that I stumbled on the stair of door

"They must be sleeping , should I just go back then ?" I thought but then again I wanted to see him , I don't know why but whatever happened this evening was not letting me live without him

His soft lips and the things he told me was keep spinning in my head....I wanted to taste those lips again , maybe I'm being a horny jerk but whatever I wanted to see him

Shrugging my thoughts I went upstairs with the help of my mobile's torch

I knocked on yoongi's room door slowly so that no one can hear it except yoongi but I realized that the door was already open

"Huh ?... Is he somewhere el...................."

My thoughts got interrupted by yoongi's cries ... His room was dark too but his cries were audible

"Y..yoongi ?...why are you crying , brat?" I asked in a Low voice and he immediately turned on the light

I looked at him and he looked like a whole mess ..... His eyes were puffy and his cheeks had hand marks .... Why ?....who dared to touch this rich brat?

"H...hobaah .... Hurting ..... I'm hurt .... It's hurting!" Said yoongi looking up on me with teary eyes and I couldn't stop myself from embracing him

I hugged him gently and rubbed his back to calm him

"What happened to you ?....why are you looking like this ?" I asked and he suddenly started taking off his shirt

"What ?.... He's a pervert....why's he taking his shirt off ...no ...no ... He don't know I can be a beast on bed" I thought and tried to stop him but he took his shirt off anyway

WHAT IS THIS ?!!!!!....WHO .... WHO THE F*CK DID THIS TO YOU !!!!! ..... TELL ME!?" I couldn't stop myself from shouting when I saw his wounds

His had applied ointment on his stomach but it was still bleeding..... His feet were bruised too

"Who beat him that much !?...why's is it hurting me though ?... Why am I so concerned about him" I thought but right now he was more important

"You should've called s..someone to apply ointment on your wounds!" I said

"M..mom will get mad !....jay-hyung will punish me again!" Said yoongi sobbing

"Who's this jay now ?...well ....leave it ....lay down I'll clean your wounds!"I said and he layed down like an obedient kid

I cleaned his wounds first which made him hiss in pain and then applied an ointment ....

I also bandaged around his stomach

"Done!..... Tell me who did this to you ?" I asked but he refused to answer and leaned on me

"Hobaah , sleep!" He said being tired

"Okay okay , sleep but I'll ask y.............................."

"Don't go .... Stay with me !" Said yoongi making grabby hands and I don't know why I felt weak and couldn't refuse it

I locked the room from inside and lay down beside him making a safe distance but the boy doesn't like distance at all so he moved closer to me and told me to cuddle with him

"Cuddles?...your stomach will ..................."

"Be careful then, don't be clumsy !" He said interrupting me like a brat and it made me want to punch him but nah !...
He was already beaten very badly and I don't know who dared to put his hand on this crown prince

I cuddled him gently and he snuggled closer closing his eyes he immediately drifted into sleep ....

Next morning

Yoongi woke up after blinking his eyes few times and found hoseok besides him

Yoongi didn't feel uneasy at all with hoseok instead he smiled seeing him

"Hobaah , wake up now!...dad will be coming to call me and if he'd see you here he'd beat your ass" said yoongi pinching hoseok's nose and he opened his eyes too

"My ass are fine and will be fine ! But what about your's ...who did this to you ?...tell me now or tell your father !..that person needs to be punished for beating you brutally" said hoseok and yoongi smiled softly at him like it was nothing new for him

"Why are you smiling ?...don't you feel the pain ?" Asked hoseok getting mad

"I don't !...you're with me so no pain ....pain flew away!" Said yoongi giggling

"You're stupid , I swear !" Said hoseok trying to get up from bed

"Hobaah , you don't want your kiss? ... We decided to ?" Asked yoongi showing his puppy eyes

"I do want it but not now , you're already hurt so I don't wanna hurt you anymore!" Said hoseok

"Then treat me !" Said yoongi

"How?...I'm not a doctor !" Said hoseok

"Kiss my wounds , they'll get well soon...hihi" said yoongi teasing hoseok

"Fine , let's do it then !" Said hoseok and pushed yoongi back on bed gently

He lifted yoongi's shirt and kissed on his bandaged stomach

"I was joking , hobaah .... Don't be so serious !" Said yoongi

"I want you to get fine soon so that I can place you on my lap,pull you closer by your waist and suck your lips till they get swollen" said hoseok and yoongi gulped hard

"Y..you're .....n..not good ..... Dirty!" Said yoongi and hoseok chuckled devilishly

"I haven't even done anything yet, babyboy!.... daddy's gonna teach you so many things!....I'll start with the kiss!" Said hoseok looking into yoongi's eyes and yoongi's cheeks heated up

"S..stop ...looking at m......................"

"First , you tell me who did this to you or don't expect me to be with you any longer!" Said hoseok and yoongi nodded his head vigorously not wanting to make hoseok mad and leave him alone

"I will ... I will tell you everything !" Said yoongi and hoseok hummed caressing red yoongi's cheeks

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